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Mod to make shouts not share a cooldown


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Would be nice if you could use the shouts more often in tandem.


Or at least maybe only a 5 second shared cd with the normal cd applied after use for each individual shout.


I think all shouts should have a cool down of only a few seconds. First word shouts 3-5 second cool down. Second word shouts 5-7 second cool down, and third word shouts 7-15 second cool down.

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  • 2 years later...

I was looking into this recently (I actually want to play as a Greybeard...) This mod was being discussed in another thread recently which removes ALL shout cooldowns and gives it a stamina and magicka cost based on old CD instead (and, according to author, CD reduction gear would be inherited and lower the costs). This may be the best we'll get, as separate CDs for each shout would be very hard to do, and would probably break any mod that added/adjusted Shouts.

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