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Want to L2Mod


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This is my 1st elder scrolls and would like to learn to mod the game! :D


What are you guys using to unpack the files?


Any other programs i will need?


Are there any tutorials i can read to get me started?


And is modding Skyrim the same as it was for oblivion? (would go read old tutorials if so)


if it helps...id like to start with some easy stuff like retexturing (if that is the easyr stuff :P)



Tyvm for you help!

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What are you guys using to unpack the files?


Any other programs i will need?


Are there any tutorials i can read to get me started?


And is modding Skyrim the same as it was for oblivion? (would go read old tutorials if so)


1: New Vegas Mod Manager, which is packaged with a .bsa extractor.


2: Photoshop or GIMP or another image editor. A .dds plugin so that you can edit Skyrim's texture files. Skyrim's models are currently inaccessible, since there isn't a codec for their specific format of .nif, yet. In the future, if you're doing model work, you'll want Nifscope, plus whatever modeling software you prefer and associated codecs and plugins. When Bethesda releases it, you'll definitely want the Creation Kit, which is Bethesda's Skyrim SDK.


3: Not really; give it time or play around on your own. Ask on the forums for help if you get stuck somewhere, there's a decent chance that someone will give you a hand.


4: It's likely to be similar, but there's really no way of knowing until Creation Kit is released. Skyrim looks to be more similar to FO3 than it is to Oblivion, as far as what's under the hood, so if you're hoping to get in with tutorials from a previous game, I'd suggest starting there, not with Oblivion.


Good luck :)

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