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Bring back Hand-To-Hand!


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I'll be honest guys, one of my go to characters through out all the bethesda games is a near retarded brute that needs no speech craft seeing how he uses his fists to do any talking. Starting a new game I picked Khajiit because it matched my own disposition well (fast, agile, likes cats) but a added bonus was the 15 extra damage on hand to hand attacks. I goddamn love it. I just finished clawing a giant to death at level 3 for the shits and giggles, but I worry: how long will my claws be effective? when I'm level 15, will I be able to claw what ever god-forsaken creature I come across? And in the end, I think a unspoken goal is to kill a dragon with my bare hands.


So how do I do this? Well I wear light armor, but I'm most likely going to go into heavy enough to get the gauntlet bonus to my attacks, but I want more. I want a whole perk tree for hand to hand, and If any group of modders can do it I know its the nexus group.


Until then me and my claws will have to do, failing complete perk tree, any advice on upping my hand-to-hand game is appreciated.





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To me, it doesn't matter if there's no H2H skill anymore. I play a Khajiit that wears heavy armor and my main weapon is the fist. Increasing your heavy armor skill ups the damage that you do with your fists, if you have the gauntlet bonus. Since heavy gauntlets have high armor rating, that armor rating (which can be increased by perks, as well as a shield enchantment) is transformed into damage. So, with 15 points of damage by default + some 35 points of damage from superior Blades armor with NO enchantment, means a damage output of 50 per normal hit. This is further enhanced with a power strike.


This way, the easy enemies (basic draugr, skeletons, civilian NPCs) die after a single power strike (wolves need only a simple punch), and hard enemies are easy to kill as long as they don't have high magical damage (in which case I need to stun, distract, or surprise him). I'm also somewhat skilled in destruction and restoration (not in the College yet). For dragon fight, I usually soften him up with offensive magic (this is mainly to force him to land), and then brutalize him with my fists. Hitting with you fist (as long as you don't change hands) is quite quick, so in about 10 strikes, I take him out. My main problem with Bethesda here is that they didn't include a finishing animation for defeating a dragon with your fists, they just die pathetically.

My specialization does leave me with some vulnerabilities, so I'm definitely NOT going into any grove for the foreseeable future. I got my ass kicked in the first 5 minutes 5-6 times in a row and then decided to avoid them at any cost. Kynareth can have her stupid lairs, just keep me out of them!


EDIT: Note that I'm playing on Adept, for a balanced gameplay.

Edited by Ayceman
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