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Any animation type mods yet?


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A forum search would've answered this, but yes, there is a reason. Game uses 64 bit havok SDK, modders do not have access to 64 bit Havok SDK, so we can't make appropriate tools for making new animations.

There is a person / team working on trying to create the tool(s) necessary the long and hard way, but its going to be quite awhile, assuming they even pull it off since its so time consuming.

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I've worked out how animation keywords are defined in the game and how to create new ones, pointing to a custom animation folder. So I can now create completely new custom furniture anims and idle markers, for example. I've created custom idles by combining various entry/loop/exit files from existing animations, as well as modifying various AnimObjects and creating new standalone animations rather than replacers. Some limited editing of Havok behavior files can be done with a hex editor. However, it's completely beyond my skills to create brand new actor animations from scratch, I don't have the tools nor the artistic talent. Nor a motion capture suit like Andy Serkis, my precioussssssssss :P

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