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Water could look better.


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Don't get me wrong, I love the new water physics and I think the water itself, reflections and all, looks great. Hell, the game looks awesome in every way.


Now I've been tweaking the graphics for a bit now and I've noticed something that I think needs addressing. I've applied all the water tweaks I can find and no matter what the reflections are only for distant land/objects (LOD reflections).


If you look Here you will see that in oblivion there were some ini tweaks to allow for everything to be reflected, thus making the game look that much better.




Notice the reflection of nearby rocks, trees, and even the player (actor reflections).


I'm sure most would think it nuts to want this slight improvement considering it's all superfluous, but then, isn't any ini tweaking? The game runs great and looks fine on all default but most have applied shadow ini file tweaks.


I wonder if anyone out there has come up with any more settings or anything that could remedy this.


Just a thought.

Edited by KBcool
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