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Restoring mod configurations after reinstall (I use MCM)


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I recently changed PC, so i reinstalled Fallout: New Vegas, applied old game options, restored savegames, and reinstalled the exact same mods in the correct order.

The savegame loads correctly without any warning (which means all mods are ok!)...


...HOWEVER !!!!!!!

Seems like all mod configurations in MCM were reset to default, and it will be a huge pain even to remember all of them!


How can I restore those options? I guess they are inside the savegame file, but then why none of them is loaded?

Any help is appreciated! :smile:


Edit: If I make some changes to one MCM option and then save the game, that change is kept when I reload the save. So I guess it's *somewhere* inside the file.

Edited by Darkever
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Under "Data\configs" is an MCM.INI file. However, it doesn't have anything about the mod configurations it is managing. Some of those do have their own INI files in that folder. Some that use NVSE has INI files under the "Data\NVSE\plugins" folder. Others may make changes to their XML menu files (at a guess). (I don't see any INI for any of the Project Nevada components as an example.) It seems unlikely any are actually saving anything into the save game file. The game save file mechanism doesn't know about any mods to anticipate that, and save mods like CASM don't have any provisions for that either.


I suspect you don't have any recourse beyond resetting each mod MCM managed if you didn't preserve the folder where they stored their settings. Rather than trying to recall what they had been set to, just set them to what you currently want.



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I suspect you don't have any recourse beyond resetting each mod MCM managed if you didn't preserve the folder where they stored their settings. Rather than trying to recall what they had been set to, just set them to what you currently want.


I actually *do* have the old folder with all mods. I'll now try to copy the whole data folder (29 GB WTF!) and see what happens xD

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