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A wandering NPC mod that actually works?


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I'm getting back into Oblivion for the first time in years because I've become bored with Skyrim and one of the first things I wanted to do was locate an old mod that adds random travelers to the roads and / or wilderness. Upon investigating I found half a dozen different such mods but every single one that I've found so far has comments about the mod crashing (several of which were due to scripts used by the new NPCs). This reminded me of the fact that one of the reasons why I stopped playing in the first place is because my game used to crash a lot.


So, what I'm wondering is this: What mod, if any, adds extra characters to the outside world (roads AND wilderness, I'll take either) but is actually stable and hasn't caused you to crash? Please, personal experience only. I can find lists of various NPC mods, what I'm looking for are individual testimonials about which mods have been verified to work smoothly.


Thanks for your help!

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well sorry first I am promoting my own mod (some people think this is shameless action)


but I want to share,


you are right about that. Many mods here that adding NPCs in roads is buggy. I've made the fixed version


here's the link, download the file called 'Crowded Roads Advanced Rev2' >>> Amulet of Greed - file download tab section

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Well I don't mind someone suggesting their own work. As long as a mod functions without inherent crashes, I'll happily take it from whomever wants to supply it. Thanks, I'll try it out (assuming that it can be used independently from your overhaul mod. I wouldn't be against trying that as well but not just yet, I'm trying to start my mods small for now).


Anyone else have any recommendations?

Edited by miketheratguy
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