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preoccupied with whether or not we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should


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I by no means a modder, but I do enjoy thinking about we my character would do when skyrim has been saved. Most the time it being making his own hold, and try to bring everyone together to take down the Thalmor. But not this time.

Through his journey across Skyrim, he meet many people, different places, and many sources of power. Even with his great strength, he began to wonder how far he could push himself. He had seen many ruins where others tried and failed, but he could learn from their mistakes and possibly succeed. But where to start?

This mod would require both DG and DB dlc, and would not be able to be started until many quests have already been completed. I have many steps planned but nothing is set in stone. If anyone is interested would love to chat. The mod I would hope to see involves: questline, possibly voice acting, slight character model change( can probability but done with a small texture change to model), and a new outfit, maybe more, again not a modder. The mod would end up making the character borderline OP if not over, but it's anendgame quest and you have to work for it along with making a couple sacrifices.

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