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Compatibility patch help

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Just slapped together a quick-and-dirty patch so that ammunition from Modern Firearms can be made via two custom Contraptions presses/mills. Problem is, I made the changes/additions in the main .esp, which we're most likely gonna be updating within the next week, and obviously we'd rather avoid a DLC dependency on the main mod (especially since Contraptions seems to be getting even more flak than the initial Wasteland Workshop did).. So I need to separate the ammo crafting from the rest of the mod, but I have no idea how to.


Help, please?

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You need to first open the Modern Firearms (original one), your patch, and the dlc .esps but do not make any one an active plugin. Make your changes (can duplicate from your modded one), and the save it as a new plugin. It should have dependencies on the origional Modern Firearms and the DLC. Since you only duplicated from the old patch, it should not be dependent on it.


Hope this helps.

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