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In response to post #39828580. #39845550, #40010680 are all replies on the same post.

WhiteTigerX wrote: Please fix the download Problem, i wait now over 4 months, to download new mod updates and it work not nmm, is it no more funny
creedofheresy wrote: What download problem?
Ethreon wrote: If there was an actual download problem everyone would have it. Since you don't see much complaint, I'd vouch you need to fix your PC.

I would have to agree with @Ethreon it has to be on your end. Either that or you haven't updated NMM in a while. If I'm not mistaken, somewhere on this Forum Website, there should be a thread for submitting a problem with NMM. If you are a beta tester, then it is a report ticket system.

But you now have me wondering. Is it a problem with the NMM or the website itself that you can't download updates?

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In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875, #39683735, #39684460, #39688180, #39690275, #39694390, #39705550, #39731905, #39746910, #39763900, #39779675, #39832000, #39846645, #39853770, #39895435 are all replies on the same post.

Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity.
kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists?
Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists.
kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months now....in fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Beth.net). Dead horse, beaten.
1stReaper wrote: @Kregen

if beth hired Dark0ne and the team
you can be damn sure beth would fire todd howard and give them his job =/...

im actually surprized howard STILL his job considering the fact that
they 1st try to stick paid for mods into action, 2nd rise the price tag off the season pass
and <3rd strike>... stateing "nukaworld is the last dlc"... making the rised pricetag a complete rip off...

if howard worked for me i'd have thrown him out the second the 3rd strike get laid down =/...

Cheers for helping the modding community as much as you guys and girls have :),
lets hope that things continue to pick up, and repair the wounds from the recent event with the mod thieves taking stuff that dont belong to them =/... it sucks as we're still recovering the trust lost because of the paid for mods =/....

Keep up the awesome work :)

mmm my guess is if beth teamed up with Dark0ne, they would lose out because on the nexus they wouldn't have control of what happens with the mods.. and thank f**king god... if they did it'd be the end of the modding community =/... (if paid for mods have anything to say about it)

Aragingmonk wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding."

Bethesda will end up charging for mods in the future, when they get this worked out. If they control the creation kit they can eventually state in the rules that you have to put the mod on their site. Then they will charge for it.

ESO = Failure went free to play. Doom = Failure had to release free demo and extend it. cannot say much about FO4 because I did not buy it, but have read the fiasco over charging too much for season pass and poor dlc content.

They should concentrate on making a decent game that we do not have to fix instead of raping peoples wallet. Almost as bad as EA!
digitaltrucker wrote: I suspect it's more Pete Hines than Todd Howard (not excusing Howard in any way, mind you).
LordCybot wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. "

Because Bethesda wants to eventually corner the market and be the by far largest and most used mod distributing site, that way they can more easily control what gets put out, growns in popularity, sinks ins popularity etc etc
Kregen wrote: I'd just like to point out one other thing Beth already has paid mods they are called DLC.
Tantalus010 wrote: You REALLY don't want Bethesda in charge of the Nexus, which is what would have to happen in order for Robin and his team to be the official source for mods for Bethesda games. I promise you they absolutely would NOT allow the Nexus to be the official source for mods and remain independently operated, and if they controlled it, there would be many undesirable changes.
Kregen wrote: Well actualy I suggested that Dark0ne and crew run beths own site not make nexus the new beth site. I agree it would be very undesirable for beth to own nexus out right. An independant option is always a good thing, monopolies cause stagnation.
soadivine wrote: or they could just pay modders lump sums for mod packages they can use for dlc. not that i want to pay out the yahoo but i dont mind supporting stuff i love.
tmarcl wrote: @kevindad1: They don't want to just team up with Nexus because they can't control it. The Nexus is a privately owned site, and Bethesda would have no ability to control the moderators, or even what mods can and cannot be uploaded, or how they are downloaded.
metaphorset wrote: Remember that Bethesda's behavior is still quite unique when compared to other companies. While it might not be perfect that they deliver games that are somewhat broken it's still awesome that they provide the community with the tools to fix and extend them.

I clearly remember the times when "tinkering with a game" was considered as totally evil and the pure existence of 3rd party tools on your homepage could get you into more trouble than you've ever asked for (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Eidos and Core Design.)

Speaking of which... being soft banned on Dark Souls 3 for ... well, I honestly still don't know ... reminded me painfully about the awesomeness of single player games and especially TES.

ozyno wrote: They are planning on having a "Pay for mods" section soon. and as they already tried, they know Nexus community will not fallow this Idea. So they HAVE to have their own site in order to have perfect control over this next step. So ultimately that's the main reason they wont partner with know modding community.
Zombie_Hunter wrote: They didn't need to hire them, they just needed to get have a good look at the various big mod websites like the Nexus, Mod DB and Curse (even Planet Elder Scrolls/FilePlanet, R.I.P), and see what they've done right and wrong. Although at least talking to everyone would have been a good idea.
Zero_Phoenix wrote: Bethesda has their own community managers and I personally feel that they realize the modding community does its best work independent of Bethesda moderation. A lot of trash talking that slides in the community at large would be enough to get people banned on the old ESF/Fallout Forum.

No one wants to lose another modder like Qarl over moderation issues.

And for the snarky few, lay off Todd Howard. He doesn't have say-so in the stuff you guys are obnoxiously trying to blame him for.

That's like blaming development for what marketing did.

Because Bethnet would have to pay the modders. Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free? That saying comes to mind. What it boils down to is Upper & Middle management of Beth. Without even working for a gaming company, I can almost safely respond that if the programmers, design crew, hell even the cleaning service there would not want to put out something that has the problems like Bethnet w/Mod stealing and bugs/glitches.

I know that nothing will ever be bug/glitch free. Life is not even bug/glitch free. But programmers & designers take pride in their work. As do the modders. Even the first time modder. Sure it maybe a jacked up mod, but it was a first attempt. They try & try again then get better over time. Bethesda's Management 90% of the time does not give their employees or testers time that is needed to put out a product with more stable content. And it's not only Bethesda, it's not only game companies either.

Take "American" Football as an example. Our NFL teams sign & pay a college student an obscene amount of money to play a game on a higher level, based off of their performance during a competition for said college students. Without even stepping foot on the professional gridiron before the first day of the regular season and becomes a starter that same day because of the money that they paid in the contract. Because they have to justify the money spent.

I'm not claiming that should be an excuse. Just the opposite, we need to do more training. More testing. More developing before being released out into the professional world for anything. But companies don't see that. To them, it's the bottom line. Are we in the "Black"? Or are we in the "Red"?

How many gamers out there would accept a game company asking for more time to test & fix a game, because the company knows they are not going to make the release date? I'm assuming that a high number would accept it if it was no more than 6 months, because anything longer would mean that said gaming company shouldn't be in business. But, it's still what I've always said when it comes to any business Manager/CEO/CFO in any trade always says. It's the "Sticker Price" shock syndrome....."How much is it going to cost me today?" then saying it a different way, as it should be..."How much am I going to make/save in the long run?"

That's something that anyone that ever runs a business, or thinks about running a business, should keep in mind. I understand that it can't be said all of the time. There are limits to how much money can be bled out before you call a ToD (Time of Death)...but it still should be kept in mind. Fans/Gamers would be a lifelong supporter of anything if it was treated more of the latter, than the former.

That's just one BadWolf's way of thinking. Just an opinion....because opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one.

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In response to post #39678300. #39728140, #40001540, #40063510 are all replies on the same post.

MagnaBob wrote: I've modded various games but can get nowhere fast in the CK due to not knowing where the various resources lie within the menu structure. Will someone please WRITE a tutorial? I know there are dozens of YouTube videos but if you have hearing difficulties like I do they are virtually worthless, and secondly for the lucky folks with good hearing, it is very difficult to do any kind of search other than scrubbing through frames. And Nexus, thank you for breaking this out-- it will make finding stuff much simpler.
LSDoce wrote: Basic one, hope it helps

grover752 wrote: I agree 100%. Been trying to learn something about modding, but most of the written tutorials I've come across are incomplete and confusing, and the youtube tutorials go so fast, many without any vocal instruction, that it's hard to catch important details. A well written tutorial that goes beyond the CK would be great.

Well, the first one was Skyrim specific. I know everyone says they are the same but that is not actually true. I've hit multiple conflicts trying to translate Skyrim to Fallout.
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In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875, #39683735, #39684460, #39688180, #39690275, #39694390, #39705550, #39731905, #39746910, #39763900, #39779675, #39832000, #39846645, #39853770, #39895435, #40102970 are all replies on the same post.

Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity.
kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists?
Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists.
kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months now....in fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Beth.net). Dead horse, beaten.
1stReaper wrote: @Kregen

if beth hired Dark0ne and the team
you can be damn sure beth would fire todd howard and give them his job =/...

im actually surprized howard STILL his job considering the fact that
they 1st try to stick paid for mods into action, 2nd rise the price tag off the season pass
and <3rd strike>... stateing "nukaworld is the last dlc"... making the rised pricetag a complete rip off...

if howard worked for me i'd have thrown him out the second the 3rd strike get laid down =/...

Cheers for helping the modding community as much as you guys and girls have :),
lets hope that things continue to pick up, and repair the wounds from the recent event with the mod thieves taking stuff that dont belong to them =/... it sucks as we're still recovering the trust lost because of the paid for mods =/....

Keep up the awesome work :)

mmm my guess is if beth teamed up with Dark0ne, they would lose out because on the nexus they wouldn't have control of what happens with the mods.. and thank f**king god... if they did it'd be the end of the modding community =/... (if paid for mods have anything to say about it)

Aragingmonk wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding."

Bethesda will end up charging for mods in the future, when they get this worked out. If they control the creation kit they can eventually state in the rules that you have to put the mod on their site. Then they will charge for it.

ESO = Failure went free to play. Doom = Failure had to release free demo and extend it. cannot say much about FO4 because I did not buy it, but have read the fiasco over charging too much for season pass and poor dlc content.

They should concentrate on making a decent game that we do not have to fix instead of raping peoples wallet. Almost as bad as EA!
digitaltrucker wrote: I suspect it's more Pete Hines than Todd Howard (not excusing Howard in any way, mind you).
LordCybot wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. "

Because Bethesda wants to eventually corner the market and be the by far largest and most used mod distributing site, that way they can more easily control what gets put out, growns in popularity, sinks ins popularity etc etc
Kregen wrote: I'd just like to point out one other thing Beth already has paid mods they are called DLC.
Tantalus010 wrote: You REALLY don't want Bethesda in charge of the Nexus, which is what would have to happen in order for Robin and his team to be the official source for mods for Bethesda games. I promise you they absolutely would NOT allow the Nexus to be the official source for mods and remain independently operated, and if they controlled it, there would be many undesirable changes.
Kregen wrote: Well actualy I suggested that Dark0ne and crew run beths own site not make nexus the new beth site. I agree it would be very undesirable for beth to own nexus out right. An independant option is always a good thing, monopolies cause stagnation.
soadivine wrote: or they could just pay modders lump sums for mod packages they can use for dlc. not that i want to pay out the yahoo but i dont mind supporting stuff i love.
tmarcl wrote: @kevindad1: They don't want to just team up with Nexus because they can't control it. The Nexus is a privately owned site, and Bethesda would have no ability to control the moderators, or even what mods can and cannot be uploaded, or how they are downloaded.
metaphorset wrote: Remember that Bethesda's behavior is still quite unique when compared to other companies. While it might not be perfect that they deliver games that are somewhat broken it's still awesome that they provide the community with the tools to fix and extend them.

I clearly remember the times when "tinkering with a game" was considered as totally evil and the pure existence of 3rd party tools on your homepage could get you into more trouble than you've ever asked for (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Eidos and Core Design.)

Speaking of which... being soft banned on Dark Souls 3 for ... well, I honestly still don't know ... reminded me painfully about the awesomeness of single player games and especially TES.

ozyno wrote: They are planning on having a "Pay for mods" section soon. and as they already tried, they know Nexus community will not fallow this Idea. So they HAVE to have their own site in order to have perfect control over this next step. So ultimately that's the main reason they wont partner with know modding community.
Zombie_Hunter wrote: They didn't need to hire them, they just needed to get have a good look at the various big mod websites like the Nexus, Mod DB and Curse (even Planet Elder Scrolls/FilePlanet, R.I.P), and see what they've done right and wrong. Although at least talking to everyone would have been a good idea.
Zero_Phoenix wrote: Bethesda has their own community managers and I personally feel that they realize the modding community does its best work independent of Bethesda moderation. A lot of trash talking that slides in the community at large would be enough to get people banned on the old ESF/Fallout Forum.

No one wants to lose another modder like Qarl over moderation issues.

And for the snarky few, lay off Todd Howard. He doesn't have say-so in the stuff you guys are obnoxiously trying to blame him for.

That's like blaming development for what marketing did.
DontBlnkBadWolf wrote: Because Bethnet would have to pay the modders. Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free? That saying comes to mind. What it boils down to is Upper & Middle management of Beth. Without even working for a gaming company, I can almost safely respond that if the programmers, design crew, hell even the cleaning service there would not want to put out something that has the problems like Bethnet w/Mod stealing and bugs/glitches.

I know that nothing will ever be bug/glitch free. Life is not even bug/glitch free. But programmers & designers take pride in their work. As do the modders. Even the first time modder. Sure it maybe a jacked up mod, but it was a first attempt. They try & try again then get better over time. Bethesda's Management 90% of the time does not give their employees or testers time that is needed to put out a product with more stable content. And it's not only Bethesda, it's not only game companies either.

Take "American" Football as an example. Our NFL teams sign & pay a college student an obscene amount of money to play a game on a higher level, based off of their performance during a competition for said college students. Without even stepping foot on the professional gridiron before the first day of the regular season and becomes a starter that same day because of the money that they paid in the contract. Because they have to justify the money spent.

I'm not claiming that should be an excuse. Just the opposite, we need to do more training. More testing. More developing before being released out into the professional world for anything. But companies don't see that. To them, it's the bottom line. Are we in the "Black"? Or are we in the "Red"?

How many gamers out there would accept a game company asking for more time to test & fix a game, because the company knows they are not going to make the release date? I'm assuming that a high number would accept it if it was no more than 6 months, because anything longer would mean that said gaming company shouldn't be in business. But, it's still what I've always said when it comes to any business Manager/CEO/CFO in any trade always says. It's the "Sticker Price" shock syndrome....."How much is it going to cost me today?" then saying it a different way, as it should be..."How much am I going to make/save in the long run?"

That's something that anyone that ever runs a business, or thinks about running a business, should keep in mind. I understand that it can't be said all of the time. There are limits to how much money can be bled out before you call a ToD (Time of Death)...but it still should be kept in mind. Fans/Gamers would be a lifelong supporter of anything if it was treated more of the latter, than the former.

That's just one BadWolf's way of thinking. Just an opinion....because opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one.


Bethesda is just trying to find a way to monetize mods. They just don't know how to do it correctly. I've been thinking for a while now that games will be moving more towards a platform, rather than a complete game. Think operating system. Android, for example, doesn't try to control all the content people make for their site. They just create a platform on which others can build. Which is what things like SKSE and other tools do really. They turn games like FO 4 and Skyrim into platforms that mod authors can use to build some really neat mods.

Unfortunately Bethsoft has become a large company. Historically large companies have had problems creating things people like. They're better off letting entrepreneurs create good products, then buying them and maintaining them. They're not really good creators anymore. Bureaucracy does that to a company.
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  • 3 weeks later...

this is totally off topic, and I'm probably in the wrong forum area, but this was the only one I found and the people here seem experienced. Ive been looking to start creating mods for a while now. I'm inexperienced, but have a TON of ideas, though, in all honestly, someone's probably thought up a lot of them already but they just haven't been made. how do you get creation kit and where is the best place to get educated in the world of mod creation?


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In response to post #40844245.

OrenKane wrote: this is totally off topic, and I'm probably in the wrong forum area, but this was the only one I found and the people here seem experienced. Ive been looking to start creating mods for a while now. I'm inexperienced, but have a TON of ideas, though, in all honestly, someone's probably thought up a lot of them already but they just haven't been made. how do you get creation kit and where is the best place to get educated in the world of mod creation?

Original Article: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Main_Page

"The Creation Kit is free to anyone with a PC copy of Fallout 4 and a Bethesda.net account. Download the Bethesda.net Launcher, create a Bethesda.net account and log into the Bethesda.net Launcher. You can install the Creation Kit from the Launcher."

1.) Bethesda.net Launcher: http://download.cdp.bethesda.net/BethesdaNetLauncher_Setup.exe

You're Welcome =)
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am wondering about a mod for wings and flying that will work correctly, and, not be too likely to fly through walls, ceilings, and floors... Also would like to report a bug/error that is occurring with the magicka sabers that are named after Star Wars characters, in that, the "Blade" doesn't show... There are a few things that could be improved, but, it is really satisfying as a stress reliever to hear your own 'saber as you attack stuff...


On a different note, I was hoping that there might be someone making, or, has made, a Heaven's Lost Property mod... I can just see Nymph using Fus - Ro - Dah in place of the original's "Paradise Song" ... Might be a bit harder (or impossible at this time) to do Icarus' "Artemis Missiles"... BTW, for those who want to know, Heaven's Lost Property is aka as Sora no Otoshimono ...


I'll try to check this forum weekly at least for a possible "Yes, here is what I called the mod" reply...

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In response to post #41856540.

Garrilon wrote: I am wondering about a mod for wings and flying that will work correctly, and, not be too likely to fly through walls, ceilings, and floors... Also would like to report a bug/error that is occurring with the magicka sabers that are named after Star Wars characters, in that, the "Blade" doesn't show... There are a few things that could be improved, but, it is really satisfying as a stress reliever to hear your own 'saber as you attack stuff...

On a different note, I was hoping that there might be someone making, or, has made, a Heaven's Lost Property mod... I can just see Nymph using Fus - Ro - Dah in place of the original's "Paradise Song" ... Might be a bit harder (or impossible at this time) to do Icarus' "Artemis Missiles"... BTW, for those who want to know, Heaven's Lost Property is aka as Sora no Otoshimono ...

I'll try to check this forum weekly at least for a possible "Yes, here is what I called the mod" reply...

Meesa think yousa post in wrong forum. Mmmmhmmmm
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