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Console command.


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Hello. I have matured a question here. How to write a script that is executed when a certain console command? After running it should send the result of his work in the same console. In general, how to create a new command-line scripting command? A kind of callback to enter anything in the console.


Note: in general, not necessarily display the results in the console. Can be anywhere on the screen, if only the player with the command saw the result.


Thanks in advance!


UPD: As it turned out, create your own console command can not. Is there a callback to enter anything in the console?

Then reformulated: how can you at any time execute any script (for example, for debugging purposes)? Where can I display the result of the work (which is a flow of O)?


Sorry for the clumsy text: I use a translator. :)

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If I am trying to troubleshoot a Script I normally put ShowMessage in the Script at various spots and say something simple like "One" "Two" "Three" and so on. This way I can see if a Script is proceeding properly and if not I can see where it is looping or failing in the game. I do not know of a way to start a Script via the Console by itself.
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On one forum I was asked to perform a script using any object. That is, script to "hang" to use a certain thing. How do I do?


Note: how to iterate over all objects in the game? How to get a reference object id? Where to look ready scripts? How to define a base object id?


Until all. :)

Edited by IQDDD
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