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[Contraptions] Conveyor baffles, covers, funnels and more lifts.


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So far, conveyors are fun. They seem to be missing some important features, but they work.

Currently, there's no easy way to merge two conveyors. There's a way to split one to two, but no way to take two and funnel them both to one. The conveyor lifts in the DLC are huge and unwieldy, as is the hopper.


This video (Not mine!) neatly displays the problem: https://youtu.be/SMxjdN8K7Dw?t=690

My requests:


- A way to merge a conveyor onto another, either via a reversed version of the left/right branch, or some kind of small lift. Something akin to this:

would be perfect.

- Smaller height lifts for conveyors. Similar to the existing conveyor lifts, but not so huge, instead just lifting the item enough to drop it onto another conveyor, or to allow it to cross over a standard height conveyor belt.


- Snappable blocks/small platforms/tables to put the manufacturing machines and conveyors just a little higher. Same reason as above, but also just to make conveyors more flexible. This could be done with existing tables and furniture, but it would look strange.

- Some kind of covering for conveyors, preferably snapping, preferably glass. This is mostly because it would look neat, but also because I've already tried to run across a conveyor and knocked things off of it.


- Panels that affix to the sides of conveyors, at an angle, so items can more easily be dropped onto them. Currently the hopper machine is huge and unwieldy, but simple funnels would do the same job.

Really, what I'm after is more conveyors to fill the perceived gaps in the contraptions DLC. I've no idea how possible the above suggestions are, but the funnel idea already exists in the ball runs part of the DLC.

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Powered rollers especially for the curves, I've worked in warehousing before and rollers often have power turning them over long distances. I personally hate seeing items get hung up on the curves but the square conveyor sections take up so much space it'd be nice to see the curved rollers more useful than at the end of slopes.

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Yeah, I thought the rollers would be smoother and let items move more easily, but as the linked video shows that's not the case. It feels like the conveyors could have been much more fleshed out. There are no upward ramps, the only lifts are huge and there's no simple way to merge conveyors yet.

Hopefully someone can mod conveyors to be more varied. I thought of another reason for covers - So that small npcs dumped onto the conveyors can't escape!

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I see what you mean and I would like a belt to be split into 3 and not just the 2 and a way to make the 'switch' be on a timer would come in handy too. But the Lift and Hoppers are the major problem for me. Buggy... but then again the Belts was but fixed that problem...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well a redo of the Whole conveyor system is indeed needed! im trying to build a factory where i drop the material outside it gets carryed upwards an then further processes! but already here comes a mayor f*#@up from the game if i use Belt lifts they dont do anything at all they just store the items and dont move them up! Nothing i do gets them to move upwars (only 1 item , Power on/off .....) it wont work also the Hopper wont spit out anything no matter what i do!

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