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Morrwind lag.

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OK so I recently got Morrowind from a friend. Of Course naturally I want to play it and I'm not expecting to get any tremendous lag or anything but boy was I wrong I'm getting like a solid 20 FPS

I'm on a windows 10 Laptop

The only modifications are that I have: Accurate Attack mod and I used the M.C.P (Morrowind Code Patch)

My Specs are here

I'm getting horrible frames with Bethesda games lately and it is angering me.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Is this unique to Morrowind or, as you hint, happening on every Bethesda game? Which ones?


Do other games work fine?


Does your computer run slow or the game itself?


What version of Morrowind?


Like I said I'm not knowledgeable on Morrowind as I've never played it, I'm just starting actually, but I will help best I can with generic troubleshooting.

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Well I don't have good enough specs for Skyrim but, i should for Oblivion or morrowind and I only get like a solid 20 FPS but I can run assassin's creed Brotherhood with decent frames and DI Riptide with semi-decent frames. and my computer only starts up slowly because of the loads of "Start when windows boots up" programs but other than that it's ok

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Morrowind isn't well optimized and depends a lot on the CPU. 25FPS was common when it came out and even now with decent hardware, I wouldn't expect more than 40FPS and less than that in crowded areas like Balmora. If you want performance, get OpenMW.

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