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WIPs - A logfile of current works in progress


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This is not something that I'm implementing but I thought it needed to happen as I've recently seen a bit of co-working going on in mods. Personally, I was interested in seeing what other mods I could help out on but I'm sure that a resource that allows you to see what is happening on the mod scene would be invaluable.


Has the webmaster of 'tesnexus' considered this already? It would seem feasible to assume that he / she has.


What do others think?

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In response to 'The_Terminator's' query, the WIP files would be a place where all modders could keep the community informed about major new developments in their respective projects. This could be organised in a similar fashion to the files themselves as we see them in the present day at www.tesnexus.com but they would be simply update logs. If possible, whatever form of progress report that the modder is already keeping, such as a separate website, for example, could be attached in some way (like an automatically forwarded email) to the log or 'blogging zone', if you like, of the new site. Details of the content for these updates would be optional if you wished to conceal some aspects of the project for whatever reason. However, the idea is to let everyone see what is out there ready and waiting.


Further developments on this idea might include tickable boxes for the modder to use to indicate an area of the mod that he / she needs help with. This can then be searched by those willing to assist so that assistance is speedier. This idea was a result of a post made at the Bethesda forums where I advertised for voice acting work. Eventually, I got loads but only as a result of research, contacting modders and forwarding samples to them.


The benefits of such a facility would be sixfold:


1) modders could get proper help quicker and easier,


2) those willing to participate would be able to access and view their options on a wider scale without research,


3) fans of current projects would be able to see how their favourite and much awaited mod is coming along,


4) the advertising and enthusiasm-generating power of the facility should encourage others, especially when they see what is on offer,


5) it should avoid modders 'standing on each others feet' by creating similar mods (and therefore future incompatibility problems) and instead help these likeminded individuals to work together if they choose to do so,


6) it should provide the casual downloader a better guide towards finding something that they have personally wanted to see created.


I hope you like the idea and I would particularly like to see this site (my favourite out of the Oblivion sites) benefit from it.

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So, do you mean something like moddb, only geared specifically towards works in progress? It could have it's advantages, I think, but I don't know if there are really enough major wips that could benefit from such a system, most of them are just tiny one-man projects that don't actually take long enough for a feature like this to be worthwhile...
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Thanks for your thoughts, guys. I've been present on a lot of large mods for a variety of games and it's interesting to read a different perspective on how a modding community remains vibrant and serves its users well at the same time. I particularly appreciate 'Vagrant0's' point. Nonetheless, I still think that an initial 'register' of a new mod will work effectively, especially (only..?) if it spends a fair amount of time in development, as 'The_Terminator' mentioned.


My other concern was the idea that modders would feel obliged to keep updating the blog and that some projects may be listed but abandoned without notification. Nonetheless, people should use their own judgement. In my experience, they invariably do so quite well, and for the reasons I listed beforehand, I think it would be a step forward.

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