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Disappointed in the NCR Salvaged Power Armor when you first saw it?

So was I!


So I decided to retexture it and maybe adjust it a little .. However it would appear I've hit a "creativity block" .. What I currently have is this: NCR Salvaged Power Armor WIP

Which in my eyes is no more than a "start" .. I feel it's still "missing" stuff and I'm still undecided as of what to use as an helmet, a metal armor helmet, a ranger combat helmet or just a power armor helmet (maybe enclave?) .. retextured of course..


So I'd appreciate it if you'd brainstorm with me a little, give me some ideas .. tell me what you like .. and we'll see how it turns out! :)


Thank you for your time and ideas!

Edited by apixaez
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Looks WAY too advanced for NCR.


Try using a slimmed down T47D and basically strip down all servos (so the joints have to be thinner) and the life support systems wouldnt be as advanced(so a patched front and rear plates to show its thinner)

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I like it, it looks more metal then machine. If those white patchs on the arm show his undershirt, even better. (NCR just could'nt get that joint right..)


I hate how everyone considers the NCR abunch of technological throwbacks. Yea, they don't like energy weapons, But who does besides those silly BOS members? They are military, they know guns work and work well and can be easily serviced and maintained. Energy weapons where never really perfected for military use IMO in fallout. They work sure, and are even somewhat effective, but given a laser rifle or a service rifle.. I'll go for the service rifle every time.


I see the NCR as this.. They have technology, They have access to lots of technology... They just don't like becoming totaly dependant on it, and what they have works well, So they are not overly conserned with researching/recovering old technology and are more conserned about holding land and resources, Technology recovery can happen later at its own pace, But owning the land, they own the recovered technology too.


When nobody can make/repair the more advanced technology (Except maybe the BOS who do nothing BUT technology), Depending on it would be a vunerability (Say someone sets a huge EMP off (or a nuke), your technology is gonna be usless)



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I like it, it looks more metal then machine. If those white patchs on the arm show his undershirt, even better. (NCR just could'nt get that joint right..)


I hate how everyone considers the NCR abunch of technological throwbacks. Yea, they don't like energy weapons, But who does besides those silly BOS members? They are military, they know guns work and work well and can be easily serviced and maintained. Energy weapons where never really perfected for military use IMO in fallout. They work sure, and are even somewhat effective, but given a laser rifle or a service rifle.. I'll go for the service rifle every time.


I see the NCR as this.. They have technology, They have access to lots of technology... They just don't like becoming totaly dependant on it, and what they have works well, So they are not overly conserned with researching/recovering old technology and are more conserned about holding land and resources, Technology recovery can happen later at its own pace, But owning the land, they own the recovered technology too.


When nobody can make/repair the more advanced technology (Except maybe the BOS who do nothing BUT technology), Depending on it would be a vunerability (Say someone sets a huge EMP off (or a nuke), your technology is gonna be usless)





Im not saying the NCR is a bunch of tree huggin tech hatin hippies :P


Im saying it looks TOO advanced for them. Maybe a protoype for them. This is something only one in 20 should get if that.


T47/fifty something is more what theyd have. The Enclave version would be a little too far ahead(not sayng they wouldnt try to use captured units) but this armor would be a rarity.

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Technically speaking one could argue that after the Enclave found it's end in Fallout 2, the capture of Navarro by the NCR could provide them with such armors .. Which is even more believable considering while even though they have had battles with the BoS, there is no guarantee that would've left them with working armors .. and this way they at least would've had a proper place of origin .. :)
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Technically speaking one could argue that after the Enclave found it's end in Fallout 2, the capture of Navarro by the NCR could provide them with such armors .. Which is even more believable considering while even though they have had battles with the BoS, there is no guarantee that would've left them with working armors .. and this way they at least would've had a proper place of origin .. :)

True,but those caputred units would be highly prized and only select few could posses it for field trials.


With the way the Enclave are,Im suprised they didnt have contingency plans such as self destruction if the use is killed.

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