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About skeleton.nif again


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Hello all. i have some problem with modified skeleton.nif and export him from blender. i take stock skeleton.nif. some modify it. try to export in new nif file, but it have wrong size and wrong inside data. for example - if take BnB skeleton.nif - import in blender - no some modify, just try to export him. size of new file is ~21kb and data in file not full. size of original skeleton is ~ 192kb. i try to use google and other search`s but this not help. i can`t find any doc`s for export from blender custom skeleton.nif.


trouble number two - kf files. i take walfforward.kf - modify it. export from blender and use in game. npc`s walk but in diferent turns (side). and walk by circle... why?


sorry for my broken english...

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It depends on whether you have imported all of the skeleton data (collision, cameras, etc…). Also, after exporting to a nif file, you still need to modify/add some of the data (usually copy-over or re-edit).


If it’s doing that after you exported the kf, it’s usually because the Bip01 node doesn’t have the correct orientation. It needs to be rotated 90° on the Z axis (R in nifskope). So, check whether it’s the case before exporting.


If I can give you an advice, though; if you’re new to this, don’t mess with anims just yet (unless you just want to make some pose kfs). It’s a relatively complex chapter and there’s little to no documentation on the matter…

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