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Give companions horses


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Yes, I genuinely felt bad about making Lydia run behind me while I rode my horse for those really long travels...


Haha me too. Combined with her "Yes, my thane" dialogue it really feeles like you're some kind of slave master, so I just don't use her

anymore untill there is a mod like this, or another compagnion who comes with a horse.


Also horses should indeed run a lot faster.


If you have console, you can change that yourself. Just click the horse, then...


setav speedmult #

(100 default, value in %)


~250-300 or so is extremely fast.

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I tried to buy an extra horse for Lydia but she wouldn't utilize it yeah i used the console for more money.

I hate making her run after me>

Colourwheels, Elizabeth Colourwheel, Oblivion mod was, essentially, a more robust Lydia. With horse of course.

Edited by madmax747
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Lol, so I'm not the only one. :D

I ride really fast to the nearest mapped place I can find going to my destination and then when I get there, I'll remap myself in so she'll be there, too. I'm thinking it saves her from having to run and catch up with me. Lol. Then I'll continue on to the next closest mapped place and do the same thing until I get to my destination.

But her having her own horse would be awesome.

Edited by Pineapplerum
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