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Calling for someone who knows how to script .swf


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  On 6/24/2016 at 12:45 PM, Rorax said:


  On 6/24/2016 at 2:29 AM, noahdvs said:


  On 6/23/2016 at 3:09 AM, Rorax said:


I'm not looking to get into a lengthy argument about nothing, but has anyone ever told you that you're kind of a touchy guy? You're not well known and the way you worded your post, it wasn't clear that you wanted help with a mod you were making. With no context, it sounded like you wanted someone to make a mod for you.


You are literally the only person who assumed this. So, speaking of "not well known" try not to speak for everyone yeah? Also. Not a guy. You are full of assumptions.


Forgive my off topicness but are you the Rorax?

If so, can you make my settlements look pretty?


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I've worked professionally with ActionScript 3.0 and 2.0 but never Scaleform, so please keep in mind that this isn't from the viewpoint of somebody who is not experienced with the specific middleware involved here. As a note: I'm using JPEXS to get the scripts.


In all of the SWF files I've been looking at, Bethesda seems to be using a variable called "BGSCodeObj" as an external interface (in other words: to communicate with the game engine). It seems pretty evident based on the contents of "LooksMenu.as" but you can get a more-or-less confirmation in "BGSExternalInterface.as," which seems to expect a "BGSCodeObj" to be passed as the first argument in "BGSExternalInterface.call(...)". I don't actually understand the purpose of BGSExternalInterface given you always have to pass the... well... interface object to it, but it explicitly calls its first parameter "BGSCodeObj" in the debug traces. Might have something to do with Scaleform that I do not understand. Point is: you do have an easy way to communicate with the game (big surprise, I know).


What does this mean for your mod?


It means that depending entirely on what's on the other end of BGSCodeObj, you might be able to do this... but... I'm dubious as to whether or not they'd bother putting a function in the external interface for this that actually interacts with the player's race given the assumption that they're human is a pretty solid one in this game. But hey: a lot of Fallout 4 is just layered onto Skyrim's engine, ergo there might actually be some sort of race specific functions available to you if they more-or-less lifted the looks menu from the Skyrim character creation. Personally I'm not sure how to find out what's on the other end of BGSCodeObj outside of reverse engineering the executable? If this is some Scaleform magic there might be some common getter functions you could throw at it to see if it reports its functions but otherwise it's pretty up in the air.


Also, if you do make a custom LooksMenu.swf I don't see a reason why it would prevent console players from using it.


TL;DR: There's an external interface in most (all?) of the Fallout 4 interface SWF files called "BGSCodeObj" that could be used to access functionality from the game engine. It seems unlikely they'll have the looks menu programmed to actually have race specific functions, but it may still be worth checking out.

Edited by NorthWolf
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  On 6/25/2016 at 1:12 AM, NorthWolf said:

I've worked professionally with ActionScript 3.0 and 2.0 but never Scaleform, so please keep in mind that this isn't from the viewpoint of somebody who is not experienced with the specific middleware involved here. As a note: I'm using JPEXS to get the scripts.


In all of the SWF files I've been looking at, Bethesda seems to be using a variable called "BGSCodeObj" as an external interface (in other words: to communicate with the game engine). It seems pretty evident based on the contents of "LooksMenu.as" but you can get a more-or-less confirmation in "BGSExternalInterface.as," which seems to expect a "BGSCodeObj" to be passed as the first argument in "BGSExternalInterface.call(...)". I don't actually understand the purpose of BGSExternalInterface given you always have to pass the... well... interface object to it, but it explicitly calls its first parameter "BGSCodeObj" in the debug traces. Might have something to do with Scaleform that I do not understand. Point is: you do have an easy way to communicate with the game (big surprise, I know).


What does this mean for your mod?


It means that depending entirely on what's on the other end of BGSCodeObj, you might be able to do this... but... I'm dubious as to whether or not they'd bother putting a function in the external interface for this that actually interacts with the player's race given the assumption that they're human is a pretty solid one in this game. But hey: a lot of Fallout 4 is just layered onto Skyrim's engine, ergo there might actually be some sort of race specific functions available to you if they more-or-less lifted the looks menu from the Skyrim character creation. Personally I'm not sure how to find out what's on the other end of BGSCodeObj outside of reverse engineering the executable? If this is some Scaleform magic there might be some common getter functions you could throw at it to see if it reports its functions but otherwise it's pretty up in the air.


Also, if you do make a custom LooksMenu.swf I don't see a reason why it would prevent console players from using it.


TL;DR: There's an external interface in most (all?) of the Fallout 4 interface SWF files called "BGSCodeObj" that could be used to access functionality from the game engine. It seems unlikely they'll have the looks menu programmed to actually have race specific functions, but it may still be worth checking out.

This is either amazing news, or terrible news :P

depending on what the outcome of that interface object is actually doing. I am going to hope against hell that its a lift from Skyrim, and using my meager understanding of Java i'll see if I can't conclusively prove if there is a race function in /that/ interface.

Then I guess its a matter of throwing that race .as function at the looksmenu and seeing if it works.


The problem remains however that I don't think I am going to be the one able to do the custom code for the menu. I just don't understand .as


Heres the bit I hope if I dangle infront of folks it will seems inviting enough to do it.

A custom looksmenu that works for more than just humans doesn't have to be a part of my mod.


It can be standalone. Released by anyone with the know how in .as to do it.


Then someone like me is able to come along and say "here is my Ghoul mod, it /requires/ CustomLooksMenu to function, go download and endorse."


And in doing all of this I would be more than happy to help because I really want my ghoul mod to be a thing. Even with the broken bits its better than whats on the Nexus already (IMO) so I /really/ want to polish it up before I put it out there.

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