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Dear PC-Players, just help us..


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I just wanted to say: Please help us consoleros.


Reason: I downloaded a Fallout 4 mod named 'Shotgun surgeon' on XB1. To know, where to find the magazines, you have to open the ReadMe file. - On Xbox One - :lol:


Perhaps somebody tried that mod and could help us consoleros out to find these magazines, by calling the locations.



PS: I wish some people would change their minds, we're all gamers, not single consol or PC player..

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So I can't find a README.txt in the mod author's downloads. It's quite possible they simply forgot to toss it in the zip. You've done everything that can be done as far as I can tell, to include asking the author about it. Hopefully they get back to you.


Here's the link for anyone trying to do their own helpful search.



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The readme's on the Nexus file page available through the "Readme" tab. The locations of the magazines are all inside it it seems.


However, the permissions of this entry are looking interesting in hindsight. If it isn't just the default and nobody told the author, yet, it says a console port will not be.

Check the page on Bethesda.net actually is by the author, and not just another pirate's work instead, or whatever you're going to ask them for cannot have any effect.

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*************************LOCATION SPOILERS BELOW**********************************

#1 - Diamond City: Commenwealth Weapons merchent counter.
#2 - Goodnieghbor: main area on the wall next to some emptey beer bottles.
#3 - Lexington: Follow the road east of the Super Duper Mart front door and its in an open window of a boarded up buildling.(before you get to the truck at the end of the road)
#4 - The Castle: on top of the workshop.
#5 - Cabot House: main floor in a cabinet at the back left of the room with the pool table.


Edited by SilentStorm
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Not every mod is going to work on console. Please be sure to read the mod description. Unfortunately Beth doesn't seem to think mod descriptions are important and has a VERY small space for the description. Nexus has a far larger space with room for things like compatibility and author comments about using their mod with other mods. Currently about 99% of the mods on Nexus were made with no thought about that mod being used on anything but a PC. Because when they were made there was no such thing as mods on a console. :whistling:


Just porting a mod may or may not work, depending on several factors. One is the console has a very limited memory allocated for mods. Meaning some mods will use far more space than hey really need because there was no need to optimize the size for use on a PC. As mod authors get to it thay will be optimizing their mods to work better on console. But please remember mod authors are not professionals working 8 hours a day, but amateurs who have a life that usually included a real full time job and a family. Making mods is something they do when they feel like it and not wen someone else demands it. :thumbsup:

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