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Just So You Know This Post Is Dead And I Can't Delete This Post So Just A [DISCLAIMER]

If some good modder can please take this request, it would be awesome if you could make the destiny melee weapons as in the Hammer of Sol, the Nightstalker Bow, Stormcallers Lightning (spell form), Arc Edge, Void Edge, Sol Edge, and from the Edge weapons you could make Raze Lighter, Bolt Caster and the Dark Drinker. and to make the Edge weapons you could fight Oryx to get the WillBreaker Shard or even you could smelt the WillBreaker (a sword) itself to get the Willbreaker Shard. And if you could take have the Dreadfang quest "At The Gates" to get Dreadfang as the best sword in the game. Also add in the Infinite Edge Swords which are obtainable from The Tale Of Two Guardians. Also just so anyone who wants to do this make sure the swords are greatswords because in Destiny all of the swords you use are held with 2 hands, the Hammer of Sol is a mace and the Nightstalker bow is well..... a bow and the Stormcallers lightning is a spell. If you look up all of these things you can find pictures of all the weapons and if you look at any of the Edge weapons look at the crystal at the hilt, that is the Willbreaker Shard. Whoever can do this I give great thanks.


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