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Settlement Building Hotkey


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hey there!

just watching a NoRespawn settlement video and user Willis R had an awesome idea on making a settlement item hotkey system.

(Video Source:



Is there anyway we could get a system inplace for the settlement builder to hotkey certain items into our weapon hotkey system.
For example the rug glitch, and also the concrete pillar glitch can be much more optimised if we could assign those items to a hotkey.

I am a PC user and I know most people would just use the placeinred mod, but since that isnt really available for consoles and NoRespawn does some amazing stuff on consoles without it, im sure his 43,000 subscriber base would love to see this implemented into the game, especially for console users.


Also im sure there would be some other handy implementations of hotkeying certain settlement items that even PC users would love.


So let me know, is it possible?

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