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The Ability to block/parry with 1h weapon


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I feel like it should be possible to block with a 1h weapon (while having a spell in the other hand for instance). It seems silly that I'm holding a sword with my dominant hand yet can't block/parry any blows. Obvioulsy for balance reasons it should be weaker than a shield but the lack of an option is bothersome imo. Additionally, you should be able to block/parry while dual wielding 1h weapons.
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I have to say I disagree on this one. I really like the new system of one button for left hand and one for right. If you have a single handed weapon, you still use your other hand to hold the weapon if you want to block, or you use a shield. You have to choose if you want to keep the hand free for blocking, or put another weapon in it/keep a spell ready in it. RPG's are supposed to be about finding the path of least resistance, and if you remove all the resistance, where's the fun in finding the path?


Of course that's the beauty of mods, my opinion doesn't matter for s*** to you guys because if you want it, then it's good for you and there's no need for me to take part. I've actually spent more of the past 4 days or so here than actually in the game because I'm more excited about what the game is going to be than what it already is. The potential is staggering.

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I <3 this. What I really want (and maybe this belongs in it's own thread) is to use modifier keys with my mouse buttons. Like ctrl+Mouse1 = block, alt+mouse1 = parry, crtl+mouse2 = fireball, alt+mouse2 = shock, etc.


Granted, I use a Logitech LHC (G13), so it's a lot more intuitive for that kind of control.

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