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Merchant that buys stolen goods.


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There's a trader who will buy stolen goods in the Thieves' Guild. You barely have to do anything to get in, just

go to Riften, find Brynjolf (usually near the market stalls) and accept his quest. You have to pick one lock and place something in someone's pocket (100% success rate I think, but quicksave right before to make sure), and then he'll ask you to join the guild. You then have to clear a mini-dungeon (shouldn't take longer than ten minutes), and you're in! Tonilla is the merchant who'll buy the stolen goods, in the Ragged Flagon (Thieves' Guild base).

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So what's the rational for the current system? Do all personal items have inscriptions and the owners report them stolen along with identifying marks which is put in a newsletter that every merchant receives? I know when our maid stole some things the police notified the local pawnshops. But I can't imagine that every merchant in Skyrim is being notified when a loaf of effing bread is stolen from a house in Rifton. A more realistic mod would be nice in which items stolen in an empire-loyal settlement could not be sold in any other empire-loyal settlement but independant towns and Stormcloak-loyal areas would buy them, and vise versa.


Then those high level speech perks could be replaced with something more useful like "enlist anyone as a companion" or "talk enemies into killing themselves" or "convince strangers you're just trying to get home and you need some gas money" or whatever.


And really, who wasn't annoyed when they noticed that selling stolen goods was a speech trait and not in the pickpocket skill tree? I don't even care about speech, and have only leveled it up because I sold a ton of stuff.

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Geeze people. Join the thieves guild or player.addperk the speechcraft perks that allow you to sell stolen goods to invested shops. This sort of mod is useless and a waste of space.




I dont want to join the Thieve's Guild or Waste points on a crappy tree.

Edited by yoendris
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