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Skyrim companions/followers constantly switching to their default weap


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They do have arrows, anyways i am not using a bow companion now i got a mage one wich is 100 times more effective than a stupid bow companino who misses 90% of the time so its all good, i dunno why i even wanted a bow companion rather than a mage one. :wallbash:
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i have new development to add on this issue:( my companion will choose the best arrow i given to them but use their default bow still

or i can give them now arrow then they will use the basical iron arrow with the best bow i gave -.-!

well this changes again when i use the huntress in companion HQ after serval attempt she will just use only default bow and arrow :( maybe i should send her to die

am afraid this will affect all other follower! BTW that huntress is rock when she use glassbow

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i have new development to add on this issue:( my companion will choose the best arrow i given to them but use their default bow still

or i can give them now arrow then they will use the basical iron arrow with the best bow i gave -.-!

well this changes again when i use the huntress in companion HQ after serval attempt she will just use only default bow and arrow :( maybe i should send her to die

am afraid this will affect all other follower! BTW that huntress is rock when she use glassbow


Trust me on this, get a mage if you are a fighter its 100 times better than a bow companion get the guy in the riften tower for 500 gold he rocks! He is a destruction mage who duel wields magic cast Lighting blots, fire, frost and he moves a lot on the field so its not easy for the enemy to kill him.

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  • 1 month later...

Late reply, but anyone who is still trying to solve this.



Take EVERYTHING you want to save off of your companion so you don't lose it.

Open console ~

Target your Companion

Type ''.removeallitems

This will clear ALL items off the NPC even the 'hidden' weapons that they respawn.

Close Console ~

Give npc weapons/armor/arrows

Problem solved.


It seems to be that they have a set of armor/weapons they can respawn that doesn't show up in inventory.

Test thoroughly, removeallitems, clearly removes all hidden weapons from an NPC's inventory (armor still respawns, but giving them a new set will fix that)

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I came across an interesting bug last night... I was having Lydia pick up stuff and one of the things in her inventory had the same damage as her primary weapon. She bugged out, never going into attack mod, not defending herself. The script would run, but it couldn't choose between the two different weapons (a greatsword and a dwarven 2H axe) so she'd just stand there. She literally was a meat shield until I figured out what the hell was happening.
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any way to make dogs STFU? the one i have barks to damn much and gets in my way a lot, annoying in small hallways....to bad i can't dismiss him just yet..it's a quest ><

Quiet Dog mod


Edit: and on-topic, I have had this problem once. But my companion died, and I've been using Lydia now. It's not consistent it seems, she's currently using the glass bow and sword that I gave her...



Thanks, that'll do nicely.


While on the subject of annoying companions, i wonder just how Beth made this stuff and didn't think for 1 second that it was annoying as hell, just like Mjoll always saying the same lines over and over while your trying to listen to important dialogue. It really boggles my mind the state companions are in at the moment, infuriating.

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Late reply, but anyone who is still trying to solve this.



Take EVERYTHING you want to save off of your companion so you don't lose it.

Open console ~

Target your Companion

Type ''.removeallitems

This will clear ALL items off the NPC even the 'hidden' weapons that they respawn.

Close Console ~

Give npc weapons/armor/arrows

Problem solved.


It seems to be that they have a set of armor/weapons they can respawn that doesn't show up in inventory.

Test thoroughly, removeallitems, clearly removes all hidden weapons from an NPC's inventory (armor still respawns, but giving them a new set will fix that)



Omg you legend, been looking for a way to do this for ages. Thank you good sir!

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From my experiences:


It seems there is a 'game feature' (read: bug!) in Skyrim where every time you fire/acquire the same follower it will respawn a new version of there fix/required/default equipment so they can have literally 10+, 20+, 30+ even 40+ copies 'hidden' in there inventory.


There is one problem with the 'removeallitems' command and that is that the items in there inventory seem to have 3 different 'flags' 1 = visible in the trade screen 2 = currently worn/equipped or spawned, but hidden, during your current session 3 = previously spawned, 'removeallitms' only gets rid of 1 and 2 and this is why your follower still seems to have and use there default equipment even after you type the command ...


You can use 'showinventory' on them to see exactly what they are carrying, with the items id number in brackets and then systematically remove each one = removeitem <item id> <item count> The item count is important, if you set it to say '12' it will usually (depending on how many times you have fired/acquired the follower get rid of the older 'hidden' versions as well, this is how you can (usually) stop them from re-equiping default stuff even after zoning or saving/loading ...


One other caveat ... If the equipment you give them is of a (what they consider) a lower standard than there 'default' gear they will not use it until you open a trade screen remove, then re-give the items to them

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You can use 'showinventory' on them to see exactly what they are carrying, with the items id number in brackets and then systematically remove each one


Regarding this, is there any way to manually scroll through the data you get from "showinventory"? Like a dir/p command for the console?

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