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BSA unpacker crashing for textures

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How is this form toxic? People are pushing you away because you really aren't helping anything. The topic is about Unpacking BSAs which some mod authors allow, for reuse of there assets. Let's not turn this into a bigger issue.


If you want to Unpack BSAs, get BSAopt here - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/247/?

This is probably the easiest way to unpack BSAs and I have never had a problem with it, just follow the instructions.

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lol ? ...


You agree not to:

(a) Commercially exploit the Software;

(b) Distribute, lease, license, sell, rent or otherwise transfer or assign this Software, or any copies of this Software, without the express prior written consent of LICENSOR;

© Make copies of the Software or any part thereof, except for back up or archival purposes;

(d) Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Software or this Agreement, use or install the Software (or permit others to do same) on a network, for on-line use, or on more than one computer, computer terminal, or workstation at the same time;

(e) Copy the Software onto a hard drive or other storage device from the included DVD (although the Software may automatically copy a portion of itself onto your hard drive during installation in order to run more efficiently);

(f) Use or copy the Software at a computer gaming center or any other location-based site;

(g) Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part;


I think (g) says it all. I've been a programmer all my life and it's common knowledge you can't decomplie or disassemble things.

I may be wrong here but it don't look like it ... Glad you got a good laugh out of it ... never realized this forum was so toxic.

No idea where you got that. The software is hosted here, that gives me the okay. Spare me your moral analysis of should and can.

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That is the Creation Kit Eula (that also covers anything made with the Creation Kit) ... Didn't think I was being rude. But you sure seem to be ... Like I said Toxic.

If the author wanted you to use his resources he wouldn't pack them in a .bsa file. He would give you a loose file version. Sorry i don't agree with you but there is no need to be rude about it.

I did say "I may be wrong here" ... Clearly everyone must agree with you or you just go off. So spare me your rant of want and take.

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That is the Creation Kit Eula (that also covers anything made with the Creation Kit) ... Didn't think I was being rude. But you sure seem to be ... Like I said Toxic.

If the author wanted you to use his resources he wouldn't pack them in a .bsa file. He would give you a loose file version. Sorry i don't agree with you but there is no need to be rude about it.

I did say "I may be wrong here" ... Clearly everyone must agree with you or you just go off. So spare me your rant of want and take.

Yea, nah, you made that up. I do it because it's cleaner and easier when I have lots of assets. Makes installations and removal simple.


'Toxic, rude, rant, everyone must agree with you'

Cry me a river. You're the one ranting that I shouldn't decompile other peoples work. Go leave your comment of 90% of mod pages that didn't want to overwrite assets.


>I did say "I may be wrong here"

You did try to save face, I'll give you that.

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Unpacking BSA archives is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong there. Extracting a BSA archive is not the same thing as decompiling an executable, since a BSA archive is more like a RAR or ZIP archive (or at least very much closer to them). It is possible to unpack BSA rchives using Bethesda's own official Archive executable. Some authors pack their modders resources inside a BSA, which means whoever wants to use them needs to unpack it first. Packing stuff inside a BSA archive also makes the mod easier to handle (less loose files to handle and worry about), and some authors include the source code for their scripted mods inside the BSA, so people can unpack the BSA, and review or tweak the code. And if you want to modify a vanilla asset, you need to unpack the appropriate BSA archive first. Unpacking a BSA archive is normal, acceptable, easy and sometimes even mandatory. If Bethesda does not want people to unpack BSA archives at all, how on earth are people supposed to make mods? And why would they include, with the CK, an executable that can be used to unpack those BSA archives?


Edit: You can see here, a modders resource that comes in a BSA and is supposed to be unpacked to get out the relevant pieces for use in a mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65134/?

Edited by Contrathetix
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Are you for real ...




Unpacking BSA archives is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong there. Extracting a BSA archive is not the same thing as decompiling an executable, since a BSA archive is more like a RAR or ZIP archive (or at least very much closer to them). It is possible to unpack BSA rchives using Bethesda's own official Archive executable. Some authors pack their modders resources inside a BSA, which means whoever wants to use them needs to unpack it first. Packing stuff inside a BSA archive also makes the mod easier to handle (less loose files to handle and worry about), and some authors include the source code for their scripted mods inside the BSA, so people can unpack the BSA, and review or tweak the code. And if you want to modify a vanilla asset, you need to unpack the appropriate BSA archive first. Unpacking a BSA archive is normal, acceptable, easy and sometimes even mandatory. If Bethesda does not want people to unpack BSA archives at all, how on earth are people supposed to make mods? And why would they include, with the CK, an executable that can be used to unpack those BSA archives?


Edit: You can see here, a modders resource that comes in a BSA and is supposed to be unpacked to get out the relevant pieces for use in a mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65134/?

Contact the authorities! Vicn must be stopped!

I don't know what this dudes problem is, he doesn't even know what I'm decompiling lol

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I'm gonna report you to the internet police!

But seriously, source where you got that EULA. I have never seen it in the CK or the Skyrim directory. Usually programs that have EULAs make you agree to them first or make you read and accept it before you use the software.

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I'm gonna report you to the internet police!

But seriously, source where you got that EULA. I have never seen it in the CK or the Skyrim directory. Usually programs that have EULAs make you agree to them first or make you read and accept it before you use the software.

Even if it was, there are thousands of mods that use vanilla assets that were extracted using bsa decompilers. If bethesda doesn't like it they can shut it down themselves.

As for decompiling a modders bsa, you'll never know without them letting you know so why make a fuss about it? The same reason some laws don't exist due to being impossible to police in a free-ish country.

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Reference asset use of Official resources and for anyone who has not seen it, see the official answer from GStaff ( after consulting Bethesda Legal ) here ..





Asset use cannot be between games ( You cant use textures from Oblivion in Skyrim for example - Reason is Artists / Modellers are commissioned only for that game, so would expect extra fees if the same files were used in another game that Bethesda is profitting from, even if that use is by modders )


But if its for the same game, we can use anything from vanilla assets so long as it has been modified in some way before uploading it as part of our mods



Asset use between modders depends upon the Permissions as expressed by the mod author in the mod description or permissions box on each mod page on nexus - Which is enforced by the site staff and Terms of Service here on nexus


The mod author may have created his own textures from scratch in his / her mod and automatically has copyright on his own intellectual or artistic property



Nobody in this topic has mentioned a specific mod where assets are being used without permission in any mod that is being redistributed and not just being used for personal use ..


.. So whats the beef keef ?


I recommend the topic gets back on topic




Will get back if theres anything I can think of BSA related which has not been discovered and solved already, but I think its a done topic really.

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