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Minutemen lacking explanation.


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been wonder this for a while is their a reason all those farms and outposts with the minutemen quests?.

been reading some stuff it provide a extra ending but it do not explain the building options.

for example shops, why their are external farms, etc.


it also not really explains why happiness is good for and so forward.

Edited by Wouter445
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You need a certain amount of settlements before you can progress in the Minutemen main quest. It's explained as requiring enough support before you can take on the Institute. In reality, the main reason for new settlements is just in case you want to build something there. The Minutemen are recruiting new settlements because those settlements then provide people who can become Minutemen, and they can house artillery guns to help expand the reach of your artillery. You're only able to use your flare gun for backup and your signal flares for artillery if there's a Minutemen settlement nearby.


Happiness isn't really important for anything as far as I know. It's only a problem when it reaches 0 because then your settlers may become hostile.

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