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Muzzle attachments not visible in-game ?

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Visible and fine in nifskope and in geck, but not in-game when I go to apply them. After workbench, nothing but more distance on the muzzleflash.


Not using any barrels, as my pistol's frame mesh is attached to barrel. Set up the attach point on receiver.


Pasted under the 10mm suppressor's nodes.


Anything look wrong here ?








The multiple entries seen in the mod_col are because i have many nifs for the same two silencers 'cause I have 3 variants of 1 firearm, and each variant has different sizes/pos' for their barrels.


Yes, I've checked the pathing data for all the meshes. All in the right places, so no idea how I could fix this. :(

Edited by AdayDr1en
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I had this issue once, I hope you didn't get what I did. Cause for me that was a corruption of the model. Any tool may see them, but in-game something crashes when loading and the whole model is basically for the trashing. The only solution I have for such an occasion is to first make everything in the CK and only then work on the model. I make part of a model, play-test it, and if it ain't disappearing I make a backup and move forward. Than again I have no idea about NIFscope, I use Bodyslide to make weapon models so your models may not suffer the same problem as mine.

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You might need to add those mods to the object template on the actual weapon itself. So the weapon knows what mod(el) to add. The button should be right next to the name for the weapon at the top of the editing box.


Edit/Source: Had to do this for a brand new weapon in an update to one of my mods.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 3:17 AM, Predence00 said:

You might need to add those mods to the object template on the actual weapon itself. So the weapon knows what mod(el) to add. The button should be right next to the name for the weapon at the top of the editing box.


Edit/Source: Had to do this for a brand new weapon in an update to one of my mods.


Is there a small guide or showing of how I should do this exactly ?


Say I want slide&body&barrel(on receiver) 1 with silencer 2 and mag 2 for instance. I need to create templates for all this or other combinations ?




Well, that helped for making a default variant. My problem now is the remaining issue with invisible muzzles and crashing when one of my mag meshes is loaded in the game.

Edited by AdayDr1en
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