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We really need a perk mod


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Once again Beths attempts at revolutionising the levelling prossess has completely ignored the basic formula at the heart of all electronic RPGs "action+reward=fun"


In Oblivion levelling was almost pointless as everything levelled up with you, in Skyrim it feels unrewarding an anaemic because you never have enough perk points to improve the skills you spend all your time levelling. Not to mention thr perk black hole that is the smithing tree.


Making it so each level gives you four or five perk points would be good for new games but at this point I just want something I can install, load up the game and find I have 100+ perk points to spend as I wish. Then perhaps my ever increasing Heavy Armour skill might come to mean something.


I can't imagine it would be all that hard to do, anyone up for it?

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I agree!! Also would be nice to go back to major and minor abilitys. its not atmosperic that i can completly heal myself in seconds as a Nord warrior with completly unskilled restoration.


if i choose warrior i should get a malus on restoration and that stuff

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I think their reasoning for limiting the number of perks you could have was to force a degree of specialisation. You're not choosing your class first up, but by how you spend your perks (which is supposedly better because you have experienced the game somewhat by the time you make those choices). But you only have enough perks to master 3-4 skills fully, which is a bit less than Oblivion's 8 major skills per class.


I guess it's your game, you should be able choose how to play it.

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