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Merging Esp Files without masterfile

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Hello! I'm a new modder, I've made two mods so far. I like to make house mods i was inspired by the great elianora but I have one problem.


Detailed description of my problem.

My creation kit crashes often, especially when I'm in the middle of a project and there is nothing i can do about it. every time i close the creation kit manually i save my esp file but when i open the creation kit again to continue working on my esp file i can not save it on the esp that is open because it is already in use, so every time i open the creation kit i have to save it in a new esp thus the end result of my mod is in multiple esp files. So i looked up how to merge esp files and i downloaded FO4edit. i did everything that multiple people told me to do but in the end i still need the original esp files because it is used as a masterfile. what i want to know how to do is how to merge esp files that create a custom cell or modifies a cell without them needing the original esp as a master file.


sorry if i sound like a nub! I'm very new to all this!


Thanks for any help! its very appreciated.

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Honestly, I am unsure why this would happen, most likely a process is using (or thinks it is using the .esp). Do you have the game open and/or multiple instances of the Ck running?

Also have you been making sure when you load your file into the CK you are making it the active file, that might explain why you can only save new .esps?


If not, I'd try restarting your computer and trying to edit them again.


Also, I would also look through some of the plugin mergers out there and see how those work.

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Yes. you have to double right click on the Plugin you want to edit in order to make it the active plugin, or click on it, and click make active. If you don't do this, then the CK won't recognize that you are trying to make additional edits to an existing plugin.


You also have to load the Fallout4.esm file. Otherwise the main game files wont load, and your plugin will end up being empty.

Edited by Trosski
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