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Unarmed Combat


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Unarmed combat is dead and shouldn't be.


sadly, unarmed combat is not a viable playstyle, which is a shame, because it already has plenty of excellent animations, a perk in heavy armor, and adds more immersion to the game. unarmed combat is a unique and underrepresented playstyle pursued by many, and sorely missed by those who enjoyed it oblivion.

already, people have said that unarmed should be a skill, with its own perk tree. however, i think it would be much easier and simpler to have fists function as one-handed weapons.

this way, no new perks are needed (but they would be appreciated) because the one-handed perks are already applicable. for example, dual flurry (dual wielding attacks are faster) would affect your fists.


having no experience with modding, i would guess that the tricky part of creating this would be assigning damage to unarmed. it has to scale as if you were finding new, better weapons. therefore...

here are 2 solutions which yours truly, as well as some members of this community, have imagined:


Solution 1

one way to do this could be making fists an actual weapon which you could equip. perhaps a monk somewhere could "train" (give you better fists) you in unarmed combat. this would open up interesting opportunities, like weapons such as brass knuckles, and enchanting or poisoning your fists. issues with this could include the question of what hapens when you try to sell one of your own hands, preventing the pc from finding fists lying around during his travels, other npcs utilizing unarmed combat, and the question of whether or not it should be posssible to improve your own fists through smithing. balancing might be difficult, although, in theory, it should be possible to match unarmed dps with one handed dps, even with varying attack speeds and damage.



Solution 2

another option, which has already been brought up by this community, would be creating an entirely new skill for unarmed combat, with its own unique perk tree. damage would be decided based on users' skill levels in unarmed combat. however, this seems much more intimidating to enact, as it entails creating a new skill which will be leveled via smacking enemies around(which might not even be possible without extending the existing script), creating new perks (these also have to be coded into the game somehow, im not exactly sure how this would be done. again, i have no experience with creating mods.), balancing the scaling of damage and skill level, balancing the effectiveness of the new perks, balancing pre-existing boosts to the skill (such as enchantments and the khajiit racial), creating npcs and/or books which would train this skill, and, inevitably, other issues which i am not aware of.



-there are three skills in the one handed tree that specifically deal with blade, axe, and blunt weapons. perhaps it would be pertinent to add a perk for unarmed into this tree.

-it might also be more fitting to transfer the heavy armor perk "fists of steel" (unarmed damage is increased based on armor value of worn hand armor) into the unarmed combat perk tree (if one is made), or somewhere in the one-handed tree.


-these potential solutions may not be the best, or simplest to mod, they are merely ideas aimed at inspiring or aiding more experienced modders to fix an issue that is important to a number of people, myself included. of course, it ultimately comes down to the choices and actions of modders, as they are the ones working to create and share what they feel should be added into their own games.

- i realize that the CS is not avaliable as of this post. this is merely food for thought. hopefully it will inspire someone who feels similar.

Edited by urgumflux
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  • 2 months later...
Why not make a set of armor that gives health, unarmed combat dmg and regen stamina? I was messing around with the CK yesterday trying to take some clothes and some enchantments but then I thought it would be nicer if that armor would be standalone. I almost forgot is light armor so you can move more easily. The idea of this that the armor gives you the stats you need to fight unarmed instead of depending of perks and other things, still hand to hand weapons would be nice though. One more thing of this set they could be three sets so you can choose how high those enchantments could be, now that I think about it armor that could level with you would be nice imo :).
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