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PC military camp/base + companions new home


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I there, first time poster here.
I already searched the mods sections and around this forum, but I couldnt actually find what I'm looking for. So I came to the "hivemind" to see someone could tell me if my idea already exists in other mod and point me in the correct direction.

What I'm looking for?
Im looking for a open military camp for the player. A piece of land with defences (wooden or stone), perhaps some towers for archers, with tents/bed rolls for my companions, and a way to tell the companions that this camp is theirs new home. So I could find them all in one place. And of course, all the crafting stations, player sttorage & bed, and perhaps an NPC merchant.

So, if anyone can tell me what mod/mods I could use to achive this, I will be grateful. Thank you in advance.

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