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Shadowmere forever lost...?


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From the UESP Wiki

While it is indeed possible to apply armor to Shadowmere, once armored she is in danger of vanishing from the game world. In this scenario, she will not reappear at Fort Farragut (normally, if Shadowmere wanders off, one can find her at the Fort - but not if she's armored).

One easy way to remedy this problem is to observe Shadowmere after fast-traveling. Once you arrive, if you see Shadowmere walking off into the sunset, quickly get on the horse then dismount again. Shadowmere will then stay put.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think I was indeed having problems with Shadowmere because of the armour I'd put on her. The spawning option is a useful one, though. Thanks for everybody's help, though.
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Can't help with Shadowmere because I never lost her before and didn't find her. There was a situation when I left Shadowmere outside Aleswell and went to that fort Ancotar is hiding in. When I returned, she was gone. I walked to Bruma and found her next to the entrance to Bruma caverns next to a couple of dead wolwes.


The second time I lost her i just fast traveled to my current location and she reappeared right next to me.

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Okay, if I remember rightly, I visited Fort Faragut again and found what appeared to be Shadowmere with the full elven armour equipped. However, when I approached I found that it was merely a Black Horse (not named 'Shadowmere'). I then took the option of spawning a new Shadowmere which I rode all the way to the stables at the Imperial City but I was told that they could only put armour on a legal horse that you'd recently ridden. Presumably the game engine deemed my new Shadowmere illegal, perhaps because it was ridden without being a direct result of the original Dark Brotherhood quests.


Anyway, this would all be fine for me because the armour doesn't really have that much of an effect. It just means that, with the armour, Shadowmere doesn't fall over quite so often, right? Wrong! The first fight I got into when I fast travelled to a dungeon, Shadowmere actually died....dead as a doornail....pushing up the daisies....bereft of life, it had gone to meet it's maker.....the Norweigan Black definitely does not prefer kipping on its back etc. etc. and I was a little peeved!


Sure, because I had various spell mods enabled, I just resurrected her but it's still mildly annoying. I wondered if it would be better to have just used the armoured Black Horse. Anyone else had these problems? Any solutions on offer?

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