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My Character Dialogue.


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Interested in a mod that will alter character dialogue choices to resemble more personality. Say a tough response, a soft hearted, or a neutral disintersted. As it is I lose immersion when I see my character's responses as they are. Stupid one liner questions that make him seem sub par intelligence or personality. Its horrible and makes me shudder.
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Have you played the other games in The Elder Scrolls series? Most of the dialogue options are like this.


I've found that the idea of The Elder Scrolls conversations and dialogue is not to let you become one with your character and let you tell others how much you really hate or like them, but it's a place for everyone else to tell you how awesome they are and how dead you're going to be.


I've only ever found BioWare's games to have some form of in-depth dialogue options, and even then it's pretty crap.

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I don't honestly mind this, because as I hinted towards, I'm not a fan of conversation dialogue options, anyway.


"Good" and "bad" options never exist in dialogue options, it's just "holy pariah" and "badass tosser".


The only game where I actually found the dialogue options entertaining was Dragon Age 2. Because I could be a wise-cracking smartass, just like in real life.

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