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Script compiles, but does nothing


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I'm still cutting my teeth on Papyrus. This script compiles just fine, but doesn't actually do anything. It's attached to a potion that's supposed to check to see if the player meets the requirements, and if they do, it gives them a perk; if they don't, it shows them a message and re-adds another copy of the potion. However, the script doesn't do either - the potion is consumed, but nothing happens.


The script is:

Scriptname CCOAdrenalineJunkie01Script extends activemagiceffect

Perk Property CCOAdrenalineJunkie01 Auto Const

Potion Property CCOItemAdrenalineJunkie01 Auto Const

ActorValue Property Intelligence Auto Const

Message Property CCOReqsNotMet Auto Const

Int Property lvlReq auto

Float Property statReq auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

Actor player = Game.GetPlayer()

int levelReq = Player.GetLevel()

statReq = Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseValue(Intelligence)

if statReq >= 6 && levelReq >= 5




    player.addItem(CCOItemAdrenalineJunkie01, 1)


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