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Signs redefined


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Hi all :)


I was wondering about how to diversify combat so it doesn't resume to roll, roll, roll, attack. I was thinking of some ways to engage groups of enemies more directly

so I thought about making signs much more powerful at the expense of more vigor.


Like this:


Aard lvl I - 80 % chance of stun or knockdown ..........3 vigor bars consumed


Aard lvl II - 100% chance of knockdown or stun.........4 vigor bars consumed


Aard lvl III - add an area of effect.............................5 vigor bars consumed




Igni lvl I - 80% chance of incineration low dmg ..........3 vigor bars consumed


Igni lvl II - 100% chance of incineration moderate damage; ..........4 vigor bars consumed


Igni lvl III - adds area of effect; ..........5 vigor bars consumed



Yrden lvl I - 100% chance to trap foes; ..........3 vigor bars consumed


Yrden lvl II - put 2 traps - 3 vigor bars to cast ..........3 vigor bars consumed


Yrden lvl II - put 3 traps - 2 vigor bars to cast ..........2 vigor bars consumed



Quen lvl I - 7 seconds protection at expense of all vigor;


Quen lvl II - 11 seconds protection at expense of all vigor;


Quen lvl III - 14 seconds protection at expense of all vigor;


* Quen should reduce 1 second duration after each hit taken;



Axxi lvl I - 2 seconds to turn opponent, + 30% dmg and hp at expense of all vigor;


Axxi lvl II - 2 seconds to turn opponent, + 40 % dmg and hp at expense of 4 vigor;


Axxi lvl III - 2 seconds to turn opponent, + 50 % dmg and hp at expense of 3 vigor;



I can try to mod it myself with some help from the community, but fisrt I have to know... Could this be achieved?


Thanks for your time ^^

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I can try to mod it myself with some help from the community, but fisrt I have to know... Could this be achieved?

I can't see a way to make signs drain more vigour, You only can reduce vigour regeneration.

All the other stats of signs can be modified, except for the most important features. You can do this!

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Thanks for replying :)


Well i guess i'll decrease maximum vigor, and tweak skill trees so that we can have a max of 3 vigor bars(4 if we drink maribor forest potion) :


Starts with 1 vigor and can only get more bars through magic tree.


But i'm wondering:


Reducing maximum vigor bars will also reduce sword damage output?

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