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Skyrim Mod: Packaging Question


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I'm trying to package a mod I've been working on so that the scripts I've written are saved in the mod as is and find a way to store all my progress in a separate folder so I can safely uninstall and reinstall Skyrim without having to rewrite all of my scripts. I'm running a bunch of outdated mods and can't get my game to run stable so I've decided to restart but I want to get this done first. Does anyone have any idea how I could get my mod saved with its scripts still intact saved to another location? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


- Airtight

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Just closed the CK but I'll try to explain from memory. I assume you know what I mean by shove all the scripts into something and go from there.

Top left corner should be something like 'file', click that then look down the dropdown menu for archive or something similar. Click it, it'll show you all the files that are connected to the mod, click okay, name your bsa and click enter. It should be in the data folder.

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And if I do that I'll be able to easily get all the scripts back and attached to what they are supposed to be when I load the mod up on a reinstalled Skyrim? Also by attach all the scripts to something can you explain exactly what you mean? I'm assuming I'm supposed to somehow put them all into one activator like you said above but I'm not quite sure how to do that... Sorry but thanks for all the help!

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What are you trying to do exactly? You can just put all the scripts into a zip folder and they'll be safe in there too.

The easiest way to tell the archiver to keep your scripts is to use them in the mod. I suggested an activator because it was the first thing that came into my head. Just open any object that has a script box and then add all the scripts to it. Once added, save the mod and archive it. The scripts will be packed away into a bsa. When you need the scripts again you'll have to unpack the bsa using something like bsaOpt.

Or just use a zip file and secure the zip somewhere.

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