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.fuz file voices


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Right, so.


After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I can extract an xwm from a .fuz, generate a .wav from an xwm, edit the .wav, generate an xwm from the edited .wav, and paste the file header from the original .fuz onto the new .xwm and rename the altered file to .fuz.


Does this accomplish anything?


Heck if I know!


More weeping and gnashing of teeth is clearly required to test this.


Would you mind sharing the details of, "I can extract an xwm from a .fuz" part.


I was messing around with this last night for quite a while but with no luck. I had several threads open and downloaded a few things, but couldn't get it to work :psyduck:

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Use a hex editor to remove and store the data from filestart to the character before RIFF in the .fuz file. Change the file extention to .xwm. Use xWMAEncode from the DirectX SDK to turn it into a .wav and to turn the edited .wav back into an .xwm. Then re-insert the filestart data from the hex editor at the beginning of the new .xwm file.




Detailed step by step walkthrough follows for less experienced users.


You will need:

  • New Vegas Mod Manager aka NVMM (A copy of Fallout.exe is needed to install NVMM. Rumor has it, you can just take any file and name it Fallout.exe, and NVMM will not care that it's just an empty notepad file or whatever, but I have not tested this.)
  • A hex editor, like this one.
  • Microsoft Directx SDK 2009 or later. Available here, requires Windows validation: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=10084




Step 1. Optional, but recommended:

  • create the following directory
  • navigate to the location of xWMAEncode.exe in the DXSDK. Default is <C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK ([your version date])\Utilities\bin\x86>
  • copy xWMAEncode.exe to SkyrimWork
  • you will be keeping and editing your sound files here via command line interface, which is why a single easy to type directory is recommended.


Step 2.

  • Using NVMM, extract the desired sound files to C:\SkyrimWork. If you don't know how, use my guide here.
  • Move the file you wish to work with to the SkyrimWork directory, to avoid having to navigate through folders in command line.


Step 3.

  • Make a backup of the file you wish to edit, like a smart person.
  • Open the file you wish to edit using your hex editor. Specific instructions are for xvi32, if you use something else already, you already know how to use it yourself, so you don't need instructions.
  • Open a second instance of the hex editor, you will use this shortly.
  • Use: Search>Find>Text String and enter RIFF in the textbox. Select the text cell left of RIFF and use shift and arrow keys to select all the text above it.
  • Use: Edit>Clipboard>Copy. Go to your second instance and use Edit>Clipboard>Paste. Save this file as myFuzHeader1 or whatever. No file extention is needed, this file does nothing, it is only for storing the data you are about to delete.
  • In your first instance, delete the highlighted data and save. Close the hex editor, you are done for now.
  • Manually change the file extention of your newly trimmed file to .xwm.
  • Do yourself a favor and name your new .xwm file something that you can remember and type, since you're going to be entering it manually in command line. For this tutorial, we will assume you want ice cream as much as I do right now: IceCream.xwm


Step 4.

  • Open a command line interface. For Vista/7, type cmd in your "search for programs and files" box in your start menu to bring this up. You get a black screen with a directory name and a flashing c prompt.
  • type: "cd C:\SkyrimWork" and hit enter. Don't actually type the quotes.
  • type: "xWMAEncode IceCream.xwm IceCream.wav" and hit enter.


Step 5.

  • Edit that .wav as much as you like, but it must must must must must be a wav when you finish with it.
  • type: "xWMAEncode IceCream.wav IceCream2.xwm" and hit enter.


Step 6.

  • Open two instances of your hex editor. In one, open IceCream2.xwm. In the other, open myFuzHeader1. Copy all the text from myFuzHeader1 to the beginning of IceCream2.xwm. Save IceCream2.xwm as yourOriginalFileNameGoesHere.fuz.
  • If God really really likes me, this will actually work in-game.





That's as much as I know for now. Good luck, please keep me updated if you find out anything!

Edited by Aluminumfoil
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[*]Make a backup of the file you wish to edit, like a smart person.

[*]Open the file you wish to edit using your hex editor. Specific instructions are for xvi32, if you use something else already, you already know how to use it yourself, so you don't need instructions.

[*]Open a second instance of the hex editor, you will use this shortly.

[*]Use: Search>Find>Text String and enter RIFF in the textbox. Select the text cell left of RIFF and use shift and arrow keys to select all the text above it.

[*]Use: Edit>Clipboard>Copy. Go to your second instance and use Edit>Clipboard>Paste. Save this file as myFuzHeader1 or whatever. No file extention is needed, this file does nothing, it is only for storing the data you are about to delete.

[*]In your first instance, delete the highlighted data and save. Close the hex editor, you are done for now.

[*]Manually change the file extention of your newly trimmed file to .xwm.

[*]Do yourself a favor and name your new .xwm file something that you can remember and type, since you're going to be entering it manually in command line. For this tutorial, we will assume you want ice cream as much as I do right now: IceCream.fuz



Thanks so much! Kudos. That was way more than I was hoping for and so helpful.

I had gotten to that part up there and then stalled before I saw you comment. Did you have any trouble finding sound files with RIFF in it? The first few files I extracted didn't have it in them, so then, I just gave up for the night.



I used FOMM by the way for my extraction and it worked fine, for anyone else coming along and reading this.

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I wrote a Python script for converting .fuz to .xwm automatically: fuz2xwm.py (requires a Python install, obviously). Just run it in a directory with .fuz files and you'll get the extracted .xwms.


Going to work on a xwm2fuz as well and then maybe a program which combines several utilities for .fuz and .xwm files.


Also, if anyone actually gets custom .fuz files working in the game, please respond to my thread.

Edited by liag247
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Has anyone had any luck manipulating the lip synch? I replaced one of the Bard songs (No more "age of aggression"!) with a much nicer song but of course it's longer than the default song (and the default files for the song are broken up in to multiple parts*). I replaced the default FUZ header with the truncated one from one of the place holder 1 second "instrumental" files so there is no lip movement at all (as opposed to the lips moving for 7 seconds then stopping).


I was wondering if anyone had been able to add to the mouth movements or loop them in any way. I messed around with the hex for a while but only succeeded in crashing Skyrim repeatedly.


*Also, there were multiple clips of the same voice singing the same parts of the song. They had slightly different lyrics and the song wasn't complete. I wonder if they changed the lyrics and just left the files in or there's another maleyoungeager bard in a far off corner of Skyrim that sings it a little differently.


edit: whoops. Completely missed the post above.

Edited by givebeesachance
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote a Python script for converting .fuz to .xwm automatically: fuz2xwm.py (requires a Python install, obviously). Just run it in a directory with .fuz files and you'll get the extracted .xwms.


Going to work on a xwm2fuz as well and then maybe a program which combines several utilities for .fuz and .xwm files.


Also, if anyone actually gets custom .fuz files working in the game, please respond to my thread.


How to use that program to extract many files at the same time?

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