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Skyrim is great, but there's a seriously fatal flaw they've ke


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Multiple characters.


I can't play multiple characters with confidence in Bethesda games because I live in constant fear I'd delete another character when clearing up some other saves.


This happened in Fallout 3, after over a week of playing, and I just quit the game after that. Didn't really want to have to go through that again.


It's been about a year since that happened, but I felt confident again in Skyrim after finishing the main quest, the Stormcloak quest, and getting my character to level 19 in just two days. I started my new character I planned to do a bit of RP-type gameplay on, make him a hunter, eventually join the Imperial Legion and such, but my 360 only has so much space. (This computer can't run it as well as a 360 can, so no "PC's can just make another save somewhere else.") I winded up deleting my 19 character that I'd come to love, and getting stuck with my level 2 Imperial. Yay.


Is there any reason Bethesda hasn't given us character selection screens or a better way to manage saves into specific locations and characters? I mean come on. I'm willing to do a speed run through on the lowest difficulty to where I was, but... I wish I wouldn't have had to.


TL;DR: Why isn't there a better way to manage saves or have a character selection option in Bethesda games?

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Look up the save game manager on the nexus. It allows different profiles for different characters, selectable when you start up the game. Seems to be what you're looking for.


He is playing on a 360. Not PC. I believe he stated that.

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Oh. My. GOD. I've deleted more characters in Oblivion than I've had characters! Lol hyperbole but still. There is no words to describe the feeling of "WTF DID I DO?!?!?!?" when you accidentally saved over your 1st level 28 assassin-thief. Actually "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" describes it well. But yah the save screen is not really thought out. Each save is arranged chronologically, and you can't see the name of the save until you click on it. God help you if you accidentally double-click.
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they give you 3 auto save points and as many saves as you want, with a good amount of info to tell witch one your deleting seem like a personal problem if you deleteing somehtign you shouldnt just slow down and look what your doing all the "catering" people think they deserve these days is outstanding


not to sound like a ass or anything just saying thats a user porblem and sure it would be nice to have better save handler but when makeing a game im sure there better things to work in then a fancy save menu

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No one can help you if you're stupid. Human stupidity is infinite. I'm not saying anyone is stupid though (maybe behaving like stupid). If you're only using auto-save or make a hard save only once and use it over and over then you're liable to overwrite it with another character. They give you the option to make 100 saves if you want you should take that option. Every time you quit save in a new save (hard save) and you'll be fine.
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