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Bus ride from school


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Through all the transports I have been to, plane, boat,taxi, personal car, train, subway, public bus, nothing has come close to be as boring and lifeless as the journey I partake daily on the school bus. Is there a source of entertainment I can use? I could take out my MacBook and use, well, nothing on it and even if I did the memory of my mother's lecture of it will strain my eyes, make me sick, and radiate my sperm always comes to mind. I guess all those who do use a laptop, as intended in the name will all become infertile. Study shows she says. Look at Steve Jobs she says.


But even more endearing is the fact I cannot take a cozy nap in the afternoon ride asdiscussion of the latest episode of a TV series or gossip is invading myeardrums.


Put on some music and the music keeps me awake. In the mornings I have a child of the age no less of four singing while he listens to music on a iTouch which at his age he should not own, as I do not even have one, and a Japanese 1st grader who I swear is epileptic yet plays Pokemon every bus ride. I swear he sets a world record for the rate he blinks. I'm not done with the child singing, he insists on kicking the back of my chair, but my conscious get's the better of me that it's merely a child being a child.


This is my daily 10th grade bus ride. What was your's like?

Edited by RubikNight
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I used to walk to school all through middle and high school. I lived only a 10-15 minute walk away from the institution I went to, so to and from. My younger brother is currently following the same ritual. Unfortunately, if it begins to pour with rain, then expect to return home with some possibly wet textbooks.


If I were on a school bus, I'd just doze off into a daydream. Or socialize.

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My Bus ride from out in the sticks to the country town where I go to school involves absolutely no-one my own age, so I just zone out and stare at whatever is out the window. The bus ride is however, much better than it used to be when I was younger, as with height and age no-one hassles me anymore.
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You are saying that a school bus ride is more boring then a flight?


In a flight there is plenty to do. I have a laptop that I can use and charge, I have internet (most airlines have it at least). And that about does it.

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My bus ride is terrible.

Everything's fine until we get to the "Trailer Park"

Than everything smells like smoke, and there's screaming, fighting, pushing.

One time Someone was SMOKING on the bus.

I live in a small town too.

Its just terrible what our generation is coming to.

My bus SUCKS. I wish I had your bus, so I didn't have to smell smoke everyday.

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when i rode the bus i sold candy... made the girls happy and i made a lil extra cash.. then they caught wind of it and made me stop, then I started bringing my cd player with me (before they had mp3 players) and i would turn on something soothing and pass out. This was apparently also against the rules but they knowingly looked the other way.. same with my cell phone. I didnt cause trouble with them, so they didnt care.
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I lived on the ass-end of the bus route here, which meant I had to get up at five in the morning to get ready for school and be on the bus at six, to be at school around 7:20. Ridiculously long ride, and they made the older riders sit in the back - which on country backroads means backbreaking bumps and no possibility of sleep.


By the time I was in the tenth grade, though, I had my own vehicle. It was an old 91 Nissan hardbody, and I had to work on that thing every weekend for half a year to get her running right. Best thing I ever bought, though, 'cause I still have that truck.

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