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Floorplane request


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Ah well... I'll just remain patient and hopefull for now.


Thanks anyway :thumbsup:


So you wanted something like this :





Try this one -- I made it in Nifskope by moving one of the vertices of the floorplane back to the origin (0,0,0) and adjusting the UVmap and then switching the collision shape and adjusting to size -- I did not test in game but it should work properly if not let me know and I'll load it up in game to fix.

Edited by JDFan
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Wow... well thank you, that is indeed what I ment.


I'll try it out, sure it'll work.


Did you just say you adjusted the shape of the collision in NifSkope....? And adjusted vertices... in NifSkope?


If that is possible, could you please show me in the right direction on how to do that? Might allow me to make far more....


As far as the exterior-tileset goes (if anyone cares), it's going rather well. I'm actually suprised I haven't seen this done before...


And ofcourse, have a kudo :ninja:

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Wow... well thank you, that is indeed what I ment.


I'll try it out, sure it'll work.


Did you just say you adjusted the shape of the collision in NifSkope....? And adjusted vertices... in NifSkope?


If that is possible, could you please show me in the right direction on how to do that? Might allow me to make far more....


As far as the exterior-tileset goes (if anyone cares), it's going rather well. I'm actually suprised I haven't seen this done before...


And ofcourse, have a kudo :ninja:


Yes a lot can actually be done in Nifskope - if you know where to look and do not mind spending some time doing it ( usually much easier in MAX or blender but at times if they are small adjustments it is not that difficult.


A quick guide of what I did for this model ( Well not so quick - it wound up a bit longer than I had thought but wanted to include most of the details so it was clear hopefully ! ) -- if you look at the Floorplane once opened in Nifskope - go to the NiTristrip and expand the branch at the bottom of the branch you will see the NiTriStripsData node (node 10 in this case ) - this node contains the XYZ coordinates of each vertices that makes up the model - Highlight it and go to the Block Details window and find the Line labeled Vertices - on the left side click the triangle to expand the listing and you will see the 4 vertices that make up the floor plane and their X,Y,Z axis points -- If you highlight one of them and look closely at the render window you will notice that the selected vertex will change to a yellow color letting you know that that is the vertex currently selected (Change the render window background to a color that you can see yellow well on and it is easier to see - I use a red background color so I can see the white dot turn yellow -- Highlight various vertices until the one you want to move is selected and then double click near the XYZ to open it to edit and enter the X,Y,Z coordinate that you want to move it to (for this case it was simple since the plane is made of only 4 vertices just select any one and change the position to 0,0,0 and it moves one corner to the center axis creating your new shape (but now our UVMap is not correct so we need to fix that.


To repair the UVMap we go to the model in the render window and right click and select Texture - edit UV (this opens a window with our UV layout for the model - now drag the mouse around the same corner as the vertex we moved with the left button down and then release to select it (again once selected it will change color to yellow) now move your mouse over that vertex and i will change to a hand - at that point press and hold the left mouse button and drag the vertex to the new position we moved it to and notice the texture in the render window is now fixed ( This can get difficult on more complex models but there are a few selection tools that help also if you right click in the UV Editor window (ie. Select connected, Select Faces, Rotate selected, etc.) and with practice you can adjust some pretty complex UV layouts.


So now we have the shape made and the UVMap fixed all that is left is the Collision -- this model originally has a box shape collision so that can only be adjusted as a box (we can modify the shape of the box but not make a triangle out of it so will have to instead swap out the shape. To do this we will add a block -- first select the 3 bhkRigidBodyT - right click and select Block - Insert - Left click and select Havok - bhkConvesVerticesShape (this will add a node 4 to the bottom of the Block list window and highlight it) - So we have now added the new havok shape and need to adjust it and make it the shape that is used for the model.


To do that we first go back and highlight the 3 bhkRigidBodyT node and in the Block Details window find the line named Shape (this is the Node number that is currently used for the havok shape - double click near the 2[bhkBoxShape] and enter 4 (the node number of the shape we added) and press enter (the entry changes to 4[bhkConvexVerticesShape] and the render window updates removing the box shape havok (do not worry as this is what we wanted and since we have not adjusted the shape yet nothing will show in the render window !!)


Now go back and expand the 3 bhkRigidBodyT branch and under it you will find our new bhkConvexVerticesShape listed in the subtree. Highlight it and go to the Block Details Window and find the lin labeld Num Vertices (this is the array of vertices used for the shape and is currently 0 -- double click the 0 and enter 6 and press enter. Now go to the next line (vertices) and right click on the green arrows and select Array - Update and left click (this updates the array and places 6 vertices in our array - Expand the Vertices tree by clicking the triangle to the left on the Vertices line and it will expand to show 6 listed vertices all at 0,0,0 (oops forgot to look at the old box to see what dimensions it had so go down to the bottom of the Block list and highlight the bhkBoxShape node and in the Block Details notice the Dimensions are X and Y at 18.2882 and Z is 1.143) now go back to the 4 bhkConvexVerticesShape and in the block list double click on the first Vertex to edit it and enter the dimensions we noted in the xyz coords ( 18.2882,18.2882,1.143) -- Notice the render window now has a single collision line from the 5 points at 0,0,0 to the one vertex at the new coords -- Now repeat for the next 2 vertices to place them in the other 2 corners of the triangle (-18.2882,-18.2882, 1.143) and -18.2882,18.2882,1.143) and we have a tringle around the model with no depth so now for the other 3 vertices use the same X,Y coords as the first 3 but change the Z value to -1.143


Now we have Our new model with corrected UV and the proper collision shape around it !!! Almost done but a bit of cleanup --- We have the old havok shape info still there so go to the bottom of the Block List highlight the bhkBoxShape and right click - Block - Remove Branch to delete it. Now Go to the top bar and select Spells - Sanitize - Reorder Blocks (this reorders our nodes so that they are n the proper hierarchy - Now save the New Nif and it is ready to use !!


(Note on the NIf I sent you I did not check the dimensions before deleting the Box shape so the dimensions are slightly different but still fairly close so should not be a problem but you can now adjust it if needed (ie. if in game the collision is not at the proper height for the floor)


Hope you find this useful -- and if you need further explanations or clarification just post here or PM me and I'll try to explain further. But do not be afraid to experiment as that is the best way to find out how things can be modified using Nifskope and the worst that can happen is they cause the game to crash in which case you just delete them and retry !

Edited by JDFan
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Wow... again, thank you.


That is a lot to digest.... I will get started tonight, with a bit of luck it'll actually work :D


Hope you find this useful -- and if you need further explanations or clarification just post here or PM me and I'll try to explain further. But do not be afraid to experiment as that is the best way to find out how things can be modified using Nifskope and the worst that can happen is they cause the game to crash in which case you just delete them and retry


I will, thanks. Cause if I understand correctly, this'd allow me to make something like (for example) a doorcollision (wall with hole, basically...), which'd allow me to make even more :)



I'll start the 'digesting' tonight, when I have a decent computer and no people around.

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Wow... again, thank you.


That is a lot to digest.... I will get started tonight, with a bit of luck it'll actually work :D


Yes it takes awhile to digest it all but it comes in useful at times - If you get stuck on something PM me with details and I'll do what I can to help.

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