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Proper HTML formatting of/by Localization (INT) files


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I'm currently trying to enhance multiple Info Panels (Right-Side) of the default XCom-Archives screen to add a specific feature called "LAByrinth" as a mod.


To put my comments into context here's a demo step snapshot of what this post is all about -- anyone's capacity to add various formatting tricks to whichever strings would ever so kindly validate 'hem at runtime.










1) I could align (centered) the red NA "header"


2) Trying to give that string a Font (Face or Type, etc) according to some declared values/principles (by UIUtilities_Text.uc) -- simply failed!


3) Three specific (embedded by the Engine) Fonts seem to be used by the UI while i could gather up a small set of extra-characters (trial&error, sadly) to exploit in these custom LAByrinth articles. The snapshot ONLY has "Alpha/Normal" fonts -- since #2 wouldn't collaborate with my attempts! ;)


4) Of all the "Lines" related HTML instructions.. only ( \n ) = CRLF worked.. but i really could use ( \r ) = CR or whatever else to adapt any such string/text fields variation to Stats Tables & Sheets for example.


** This is the INT instructions that can do what's shown in the image above..

[LGeoRegions X2EncyclopediaTemplate]
ListTitle="Geoscape Regions"
DescriptionTitle="Sixteen interlinked at random!"
\n   Followed by..
\n** A fourth section of Six Continents/Regions summary with thematic
colored Images & each of their regional descriptions.
Maximum links (+ external Connections) exposed.
\n<font color='#BB0000' size='40'><p align='CENTER'>________ NA ________</p></font>
\n* Calibrating lines format width @22(STD-Normal) FontSizes *
\n#1: AF-Carplates (Title) @28 with GOOD color..
\n<font color='#53B45E' size='28'>.. « ± » | ― ¦ ¼ ½ ¾ ^ º ¯ ° ¤ ~ ∞ √ • Ω ∑ ..</font>
\n#2: LucidaConsole (Proto) @28 with PERK color..
\n<font color='#FEF4CB' size='28'>.. « ± » | ― ¦ ¼ ½ ¾ ^ º ¯ ° ¤ ~ ∞ √ • Ω ∑ ..</font>
\n#3: Alpha (Normal) @28 with HEADER color..
\n<font color='#ACA68A' size='28'>.. « ± » | ― ¦ ¼ ½ ¾ ^ º ¯ ° ¤ ~ ∞ √ • Ω ∑ ..</font>"


My question or request should now be quite obvious to you!


-- If anyone (Devs) from Firaxis or LWS (AND everyone else having direct knowledge of such tricky stuff) could please give me the low-down bottom truth & facts about the darn HTML powers *we* can all actually put to good use .. i'd be a much more than just some happy pseudo modder! :laugh: :geek:

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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