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Lizard/Dragon variation for Argonian Werewolfs


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I just became a werewolf via a certain means though I will not say. (Find info in the Spoilers forums)


I am playing a Argonian who is also a vampire and looks fang-tastic as his front teeth are enlonged and adds to his reptillian nature and thought becomeing a lycan could enhance his uniqueness in a Land where humans of many kinds dwell (Imperial, Nord, redguard and Breton as well as the Elves)


What I ask is it possible for a werelizard for the Argonian race and perhaps a Werecat for Khajiit (rigging the sabrecat to the werewolf skeleton possible?)



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Glad I searched first!

I was just going to request a mod for the Khajiit races to be werecats as well.

This would be a great addition, as I don't see being a "dragon/cat/dog/human/vampire" as being very...possible.I realized that I was all of these things, short of the vampire, I'm still not sure if that's possible to be both Vamp/Were or not, and it just didn't make sense to be a Cat and a Dog...odd.

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