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Classical Vampires


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Basically this is meant to change how vampirism works by altering the benefits/penalties of each stage.



*Stages are reversed in power gain so that feeding more often makes you more powerful and more resistant to the classical problems.

*Stages retain charisma traits (IE ability to talk to townspeople) so that feeding more makes you more acceptable AND more powerful.




*Making it impossible to become a werewolf while a vampire... at all.


*make it harder to cure Vampirism- say that if you manage to cure it, it leaves you with vampirism's underlying cause, the

disease that turned you into one in the first place.


*Make each feeding only restore a single stage


*each feeding cumulatively adds a disease that slowly damages the person (IE a poison style effect). Feed too many times on

someone and they perish.


*each feeding on an NPC has a chance of infecting them with vampirism.


*Remove the vamp detector (for most): if a vamp isn't caught feeding and isn't in a later stage, then nobody has any business knowing them as a vamp on sight, unless they are one of a few in the given grouping of hunters that know the right incantation.


*Feeding draws hunters fast- as more people report strange necksores, vamp hunters come in and investigate. this eventually leads

them to you if you aren't careful.


*holy ground causes burning on entry


*When hunters are in town, vamp paranoia is at it's peak and it's harder to buy/sell things.


*Each vamp hunter group's leader is the only one who can tell if you are a vampire without the whole inquisitive process.


*not feeding will eventually kill you



*restore actual sun damage but keep it to if a character hasn't fed recently, retaining weakness for if they have. (based on dracula's vampirism, where older vamps that had fed recently could resist sunlight.


*Vampires all (player included) turn to ashes on dying.

Edited by Link6746
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