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DGIntimidateQuest(Brawling) questions

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Hey, I'm trying to emulate what's done in the DGintimidateQuest script without modifying the script itself for compatibility. In order to do so, I'm studying the FavorDialogueScript and DGIntimidate Quest. I understand what's happening here more or less, but there are a few things that I can't figure out.


Firstly, where the heck are the setstage values? I see what each stage DOES, but not where the scripts that sets the stage are found. Would they be on the actors that are referenced in the quest? Is there some way to attach a script to the player, and are they there?


Secondly, I noticed that the FavorDialogueScript creates a keyword property called BrawlKeyword that is sent to an SM Event in order to activate the DGintimidateQuest. I'm having issues figuring out where a keyword value is assigned to that script in the editor. The SM Event is looking for "FavorBrawlEvent", so this has to be assigned to the property SOMEWHERE in the editor that I can be edited.

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