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Darker Nights and Better Food


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I love Skyrim, but there are already 2 big Things that bug me heavily.


First the Bright Nights...this Game is way 2 bright at night and i want to have it Darker.

Can somebody pls make this? I mean Nightvision and Torches/Lightspells arent really needed.


Second. The low Health Restore on Cooked Meals.

I understand that potions should be better and such but 10 Health in a cooked meal is a joke.

Wahat i have in Mind is:

Veggis/Fruits 3-4 Health points

Raw meat 7 Health points , Rare Raw Meat 10 Health

Grilled Meat 15-25 Health

Cooked Meals (more than 2 "Items") 20-35 Health

Special New Meals: Rare Meat + Lot of Items up to 50 Health


This would allow a play without Magic and Alchemy at all if someone wants 2 play a true Warrior/Hunter (Nord).



Im not a modder myself but i think both are relativly easy 2 make, so pls can an expierence modder make these?

Edited by DonKalleOne
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I dont want 2 merge this with my first post cause its a 3rd Thing.

The temporary Effect on the WoodElf Power is dumb if u tame a animal it should be yours till it dies.

I understand the Temp effect on Spells but this Power should be unique and isnt allowed to have more than 1 animal.

Its Should be Like a Compagnion for the Woodelf that is imply a pet and can die

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Hmm, interesting idea! If I manage to have a good crack at it when the CS comes out, I'll be sure to look into bonus kinds of food, too (such as more kinds of meats on animals and more kinds of meals you can cook!)


And yeah, I agree that the meals' health recovery should be more substantial. You know how hard it is to find a stinking salt pile?! And merchants only carry about 2 or 3 of the bloody things. I have to make rounds to all the alchemy and goods stores just to cook a day's worth of random deer and rabbit kills!

Edited by MikhailFaulken
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