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Use your favorite's


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I read several sources that claim you can still use something like the oblivion system to favorite your items directly to certain keys. 1-9 So I tried to figure out how to use that but I can't figure it out. Hell, I can't even figure out how to use the 'normal' favorite system. Which brings me to my second problem.


I'm from Europe. More specifically I'm from Belgium. That means I have an AZERTY keyboard and NOT a QWERTY keyboard. That's a problem. Why? Because when I try to change my keymapping it's set on the QWERTY version. But when I open my console it is set on AZERTY instead.


Which brings me to my final part. (It's more a bit ranting than anything else so you may skip this)


Why in the hell don't gaming companies suppport a SIMPLE option for azerty and qwerty keyboards? I can't imagine it would take much work at all. I'm getting so tired of it that my keys are set to the other version and not azerty. Keys don't respond. Inside key hints are incorrect simply because of the difference. And I'm NOT going to purchase an QWERTY keyboard simply to get around the problem. Hell, older games like counterstrike STILL have this problem and I'm sure that there are a lot of azerty keyboard users that have this problem!


I'm done ranting but my first problem still stands.

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I know, but the topic vanished down the first page fairly quickly. I don't like to bump like this but what other choice do I have if the topic goes straight to second / third page in barely an hour?
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The keys should be on the same position, have you tried pressing A (if not its Q?)to get the menu up? and F in the inventory to favourite that item (otherwise no menu will come up). When you've selected some favourites, open the favourite menu, hover over the item and press the number you that to save that item to.
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Never mind! It was because of the differnce in AZERTY and QWERTY that the damn keys didn't do what they are supposed to do. Is it so hard for the devs to modify the game so that it fits with the keyboards they are using? Is it just me or does anyone else find it annoying (in europe) when the game only accepts QWERTY and not AZERTY?


I think that it is because a majority part of the gamers comes from the US that they ignore the europe part. Even Ubisoft tends to ignore azerty keyboards.

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I hate the Skyrim Favourite system.


It sucks donkey balls.

We need a mod for an awesome favourite menu system to get the menu organised, i.e. Weapons, Apparel, Spells, Shouts, etc.


I linked an image as an example.



Edited by Sou1Co11ector
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