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purple textures followed by crash to desktop


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i doubt my random crashes to desktop got anything to do with the sound.. i used to think it was and i changed it to every sound option i had and it still happened.. but now sometimes i see the trees or caves or even animals with missing textures.. so they are purple for some reason. and i wouldn't mind it but it is usually an omen of crash to desktop.


i saw many people with the same problem of crashing to desktop without any error but i never saw anyone with the missing textures followed by the crash.


to clarify, its not all the time. only like after an hour of play time or more it happens at random after a loading screen, and i see something, usually the forest) purple. as in missing textures.

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I just encountered a similar problem where my computer did all of the following:


  • Froze for about 10 seconds after I ended dialogue with an NPC
  • Showed the textures of random items (clothes, I think an eye and a shield)
  • Pink/Purple flashes of random shapes & sizes
  • Crashed to desktop without a "This program performed a blah blah blah..." message window.


But here's the catch: Now I can't load Skyrim anymore. Every time I load it up there's a frame of a Window that pops up, my computer plays the "Error" sound & I can't use my mouse unless I Alt-Tab or CTRL+Alt+Del my way out of this state. When I Alt-Tab, there's a Skyrim "Error" window that I can't view, but if I bring it forward and hit my space bar it disappears, along with Skyrim loading up.


Anyone know if they're going to release a Patch 1.2 anytime soon? :wallbash:

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