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MuhRoads - BANNED

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MuhRoads banned.




Reason for the ban

Uploading a mod specifically decided to troll and stir up trouble.


File removed - Osama




The file itself would not be an issue but the fact that the file description you wrote makes it clear you just wanted to insult, troll and stir up trouble.



"You play as Tim Osman *(AKA Osama Lin Baden)*. You were a mid-ranking CIA asset before the war, and played a small part in blowing apart the Commonwealth for Atom. Now you have to traverse the wasteland and seek out unbelievers to eliminate. Aloha Snackbar, and good luck!


If you rate this mod, please give 9 of 11 stars!"


Reference post




Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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