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Archive creation failure?

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I'm trying to push out an update for Modern Firearms over on Beth.net, but the damn CK keeps choking whenever I try to rebuild the archive (which I need to do because we added some new stuff that won't work otherwise).


Does anyone know if it's possible to build a .ba2 archive outside the CK? Or can you shed any light on why this might be happening?

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I had the issue once, it was a corrupted ba2 file of my mod creation. To fix it I had to go into the data directory and delete the previous ba2 file created for my mod and then reload my esm file and re change one thing, save and then push it to Bethesda.net again. It worked for me, not sure if you are having the same issue as I did.

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There is Archiver2.exe inside FA 4 folder.

I am also having problems packing textures, and tried that. I was surprised it worked. Tested even on XB1 and it works packed like that.


I was getting error something like "Skipped. Archiver can not pack files because it is unknown format" or something like that. It was ,DDS file, and same process worked for me before, so I was puzzled.


It is FA4 folder -- Tools -- Archive2 -- Archiver2.exe or something similar (writing from laptop, I don't have files here to check, but you will find it easy)


Hope that will help you.

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No worries. Glad I could help.

I found that because I was desperate. I am having that problem since they added PS4 support. Found solution 2 days ago.

I was thinking I am going crazy, doing all the same as before, and out of blue it started to throwing me that error. And so frickin illogical error. I even reinstalled PS because I thought he is messing .DDS files somehow when saving :P


Found it by accident, saw .exe so I tried, when bingo, program opened. And best thing it worked.


I have other strange problems too, but I will wait until next CK update. If then same problems persists after update, then I will ask, maybe you will help me then :)

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