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Melee or Magic ?


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Obviously focussing on certain skills has it's benefits but the game allows you to focus on qutie a few. My character has roughly equal skill in one handed, archery, sneak, smithing, destruction and restoration.


If you want to play just melee or as a caster then you can, just don't use weapons/magic. The game allows for a lot of freedom :)

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magic sucks, i mean there was a fight where i tryed to kill 2 guys in some cave with magic, tried like 3 times and failed, then i take a shword and killed them both in first try easily, it is kind of make you feel bab for using magic, it is supposed to be powerfull, but in skyrim it seems like tickeling, only NPC have stron magic somehow.


So, now using a shword there is a problem, i used many my levelup points on mana and magic perks, now it is a waste, i just hope it is not too much.

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